{16} Adrenaline

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A hood is tossed over my head for disguise, the pocket at the front hiding my hands with a stake in grasp as I walk with my head held down, casually weaving through the crowds of people on the town streets. I needed an outlet so bad that killing had sounded perfect when Janet asked a couple of us to head out and take out a vampire who held a higher power than the ones we'd run into a couple of days ago. 

Just a few feet ahead of me, Freya wore the same disguise of a black hoodie as she passed people, not caring when she bumped into rude passers who would curse as her strength tossed them aside like they weighed a feather. If anyone has been bottling their anger with ease, it was her. It caused me to see her in action after being confined to the house for months. 

Anger built up in her like a badly calculated chemical test. 

The reflection I caught as we passed a store display window assured me that Sam was a few strides behind me, watching, his eyes flew through every person that he saw pass. His own hood perfectly kept him hidden from sight or recognition as we waltzed down the busy street in search of our target. 

 Adam Barlowe was supposedly our key to getting Calvin's location and hiding spot. He executed all the things Calvin and my father didn't bother about. From the gathering of followers down to the execution of missions they were sent on to kill us. He was our key in. 

If we had him we could get all sorts of information out of him. Locations, hiding spots, where the device for immortality was being held, how many followers were following Calvin...where my brother was.

To capture Adam would be like finding a golden ticket. 

Alexandra being a spy and getting information every week was useful and impressive- even if I didn't get along with her all the time. She was sent out every Wednesday with fake leads on our family to deliver Calvin, covering her tracks on why she'd be in town. In return, she'd come back from meeting with Calvin's assistant Adam, and give us any minor slip-ups Adam would let out around Alex. 

We waited, and waited until Alex found the perfect opening to take down Adam without his absence possibly catching drift to Calvin. Now was that moment, he had been delayed in heading out to meet Calvin for another week given the lack of information on us. The vampires that were scouting our town had been killed happily by Xavier and me, which summed up to one vital point: He was alone, weak, and stood no chance against us when no one had eyes on him. 

Xavier, Theo, and everyone else stayed back to train Emma and Jackson some more. I'd be lying through my teeth if I said I haven't been avoiding them. I was washed up with guilt and anger towards myself. They were what they were because of me.

I should've done more.

Ultimately I let the dark parts in me sit on top of all my problems. They prowled like a mountain lion atop a towering cliff, treading around with power and hunger for violence. 

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