~~•Thirty five•~~

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Wearing that bridal dress again was a disaster for her. It made her feel weird and unusual. When she did that yesterday, she didn't plummet under any guilt. Instead, she was relieved that this would bring a way for her to meet her family. This nikkah would bring a bit of respect for her if Masab would take her to his parent with dignity.

Andaleeb had tried every possible route to flee but nothing worked. Soon she had to come out of the delusion and think practically. And this marriage deal seemed the best option. She was considering herself a victim until she heard her ex-fiance claiming to be her sister's husband.

Everyone faded away into thin air in front of this realization. She forgot her own sufferings and just remembered what her innocent sister would be going through because of her. Maybe Daneen hated her now and that was the reason she wasn't willing to talk to her. No one was more responsible for it than she herself. Had she not fled, her sister wouldn't have to become a sacrificial lamb.

Masab asked her to wear her nikkah dress if she wished to meet her parents. Perhaps he was looking out to make a point to them that now she was his. Or maybe the worst realization was that he had won their daughter as a prize, and now no one could touch what belonged to him, forcefully or not, didn't matter. All that meant was the fact that she wasn't like before, their pure and pampered youngest daughter.

However, Andaleeb didn't negate him this time. She listened to him because perhaps it really didn't make a difference. She was now really his, and Masab wouldn't let any other man live who would dare to touch her. The truth was that she wasn't in her senses after what information she got about her sister.

Masab entered the room and he found her standing near the window, her back facing him. Cladded in her bridal dress which was enough as a mark to tell everyone that she was his. Unlike yesterday, Andaleeb's hair was left free to fall over her back and they weren't covered by the dupatta. The beautiful blouse hugged her beautiful curves, and a bit of her soft and creamy skin was showing over her waist where the blouse ended. Masab suddenly recalled the smooth feel of her shoulders from last night and it made him want to again feel it.

Shaking every impossible thought out of his mind, he moved ahead. Perhaps she heard his footsteps as she stiffened and then turned around. Her face was devoid of any makeover, unlike last night, but she was looking gorgeous as ever. For the first time today, he didn't find the hatred seeping into his eyes for her. Instead, her shining green orbs seemed to hurt. It was like something was bothering her, and she couldn't keep a filter over her heart and eyes.

Andaleeb glanced at him as he was looking good as usual in a white-colored three-piece Armani suit. "Why did you make me wear this dress again?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "To make a point in front of your family that you are mine and no one, including them, is allowed to mess up with what's mine."

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