Chapter 7

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"You worthless piece of shit. You can't even get this one thing after all I've done for you". A voice screamed from inside the house.
As you can see I am currently in front of Adrian's house, hiding inside a bush wearing all black.
How did I get in this position, you ask? Well....

After school I caught up with Adrian once again asking him: "Adrian please comes with me, it will be fun and you need it big time".



"Cause I have something to do".

"What is it"?

"None of your business".

We are having the same conversation. And he still does not want to come. I wonder what's so important about this 'something' he has to do that he won't even want to get ice cream. Everyone has time for ice cream.

"What about after you do this oh so important ' something' of yours?"

"April" he rudely said. "I'm busy now. Find another time to hang out', he said angrily.

"Oh, you finally admitted that we're hanging out", I looked up at him smiling creepily, knowing it will annoy him further.

He groaned and walked away from me.

Watching him disappear down the street I started following him. My nosy self-taking over, and wanting to know what he was doing that's so important which is getting him all worked up.
Keeping about a meter of distance apart from him I watched him go into an old pharmacy somewhere downtown, behind a wall only half of my head showing.
I waited for about five minutes till he stepped outside looking frustrated and kept on running his hand through his hair. He looked sideways and I quickly retraced my head behind the wall before he sees me.

Adrian continued his walk until he reached his old beat up house. He hesitated before going in.

It has been quite until now, when I heard a women screaming. It took me all my strength not too barge into the house and save Adrian from this women.
However, that will only cause more trouble. As I waited behind the bush holding my breath I stared, intently at the front door.

Suddenly the door flew open with Adrian being pushed out by a huge woman who looked like she did not take a shower for a long time.

"Don't come back until you get them". She growled. Then proceeded to slam the door at his face.

I turned my gaze to Adrian; he was staring at the door breathing heavily his hair stuck out everywhere from him running his hands through it. His clothes all ruffled up. Adrian sighed and walked to the sidewalk sitting on the same position I found him at the night of the party.
The same thing must have happened to him that night. Who was that woman anyway? I walked out of my hiding and sat down beside him. He looked up, shocked, finding me here sitting down next to him. I had the same reaction when I saw his face. There was a bright red mark on his right cheek.

The old hag slapped him.

I gasped, my hand spftly touching his red cheek.

" do you deal with this everyday?", I asked softly. My eyes staring intently into his.

He nodded. Dropping his face in shame. I quickly wrapped my arms around him trying to remove all his sorrow and pain he's dealing with. We stayed like that until he pulled away his expression sad.

"come on. You need a place to sleep in tonight. No way your staying outside all night with that old hag in the house with no compassion whatsoever", I scoffed. Standing up I pulled on his hand. Being his stubborn self, Adrian stayed put my efforts at pullting him up went to waste.

"Adrian do you really want to spend the night outside?"

"no", he said weakly.

"then move".

He stood up. I curled my arm around his smiling up at him.

As we stepped onto my front porch, I pulled out my house key unlocking the front door."my parents are out for my dads business dinner so they will take long to come back" I said turnig to face him, only to find him staring at my house in awe.

I smiled at him opening the door "come in, lock the door" I said entering the kitchen. As he locked the door, he followed me in. I looked back at him," I don't know about you but I'm starving" preparing a grilled cheese sandwhich for both of us.

"let me help" he said walking up to me.

"thanks" handing him the cheese.

"so do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him as we finished our dinner.

Adrian's head shot Uo in excitement. " really?"

"Yeah, we have a whole shelf of DVDs. Go pick one while I make popcorn" I laughed at his excitement as he quickly ran into the living room.

Walking into the living room I saw Adrian sitting in the living room couch with a huge smile on his face. I plopped down next to him placing the bowl between us.

"What did you put in?" I asked getting comfortable on the couch.

"A Walk to Remember"

My head snapped towards him so fast I think I fractured my neck. Flabbergasted I commented,"WHAT?"

Never have I ever met a teenaged boy who likes a chick flick, until now. As the end credits rolled in I could barely open my eyes, looking at Adrian, "come on I want to sleep"

Setting up a makeshift bed for him, I snuggled into my own comfy bed.



"Thank you"

That's the last thing I heard before I completely fell asleep with a small smile on my face.


Please comment about what you think. I am having doubts about continuing this book.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2015 ⏰

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