Chapter 2

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I have nothing left. Nothing to live for. So why trouble myself with a world that does not care. Might as well end this series of unfortunate events and enter the world of darkness. No pain, no sorrow and most of all no BETRAYAL.

I kept on rereading the note while walking home. Not believing that someone in school wants to end his life. Adrian is in some of my classes, he is always alone. Sometimes I think that he hates people with the way he glares at anyone who he catches looking at him.

I'm talking from first class experience. I mean could you blame me the guy is so mysteriously good looking that he never talks to a single soul. Nobody till now has gotten the courage to befriend him. So maybe that's one of the reasons he wants to commute suicide.

As I reached home I quickly shoved the note in my pocket thinking ahead and avoid dealing with my mothers continues questions if she found the note and especially one that has the topic suicide. You see my dearest mother is a therapist. She helps all those troubled souls who have gone through a lot in their lives.

"Mom, I'm home", I called out going into the kitchen to get something to eat.

"Hon, we're outside", I heard mom shout out from the backyard. Grabbing an apple I walked outside and found my parents sat at the picnic table. My parents are the most clichéd people you'd ever meet. Seriously they met at high school dad being the football jock and mom a cheerleader. They fell in love, got married and got me. We've got a two story house with perfectly manicured front and back yard.

"Hey how was school?", dad asked.

Shrugging, "good, nothing new", I said. I hated it when my parents ask that question; like seriously it's school nothing exciting ever happens.

We sat outside talking for a while until I retired to my room to do some homework. After dealing with useless math problems and writing a 200 word essay. I lied down on my bed thinking about Adrian. Question after question kept on coming into my mind about him: why would he write this note? What happened to him, who betrayed him to the point that he wants to end his life?

I fell asleep that night with the new found determination of befriending this suicidal boy and changing his point of view of the world.

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