chapter two

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Finally, I approached the luxurious building, In my tattered second hand car.

I walked up to the gate and looked around. Once I found the buzzer I quickly tapped it, no reply. I did NOT drive six hours to get stuck at the gate.
I buzzed again, and again and again.

"Yeah heard you the first time" a deep husky voice escaped from the box.

"Hi! I have information that might concern...uhm...Proffesor Xavier?"

I heard a sigh and nothing more. The gates didn't open, the machine didn't beep, absolutely nothing. Am I being ignored?

No. I would not take no for an answer. This didn't seem like too big a fence to climb...I'm a damn mutant, how hard can it be? Even if I broke my legs I'd just need to rest a couple days.

Boosting myself up with a jump, I took a solid grip on the bars and started kicking my way up. I was doing pretty well, smirking to myself.

That is, until I reached the top and looked down the other end.
Seeing a man with his hands on his hips, judging me.

"I was just coming to get you, you know this is a school right? I can't let you just walk in on your own." He remarked.

"Proffesor Xavier?" I asked.
I was sort expecting someone a little less...muscular? Maybe I judge Proffesors too much.

He let out a strong laugh.
"No just the doorman love. Okay, get down."
He gestured with him hands for me to come towards him.

Alright...I made it up right? Down shouldn't be harder. Other than the eyes I could feel on me. I decided to take it more gently this time and wrapped by legs around the bars and slid down slowly...Like a panda around a stick of bamboo.

At around halfway down, a burst of laughter came from behind me.
As I looked down, the man was gripping the bars, bent over with laughter.

I tried to loosen my grip and face him to yell...
"Hey, it's not that funny I just don't want to fa-"

I fell. Flat onto this poor man.

All he said was a little "umph".
I jumped off him immediately.

"I'm SO sorry, this is not the impression I wanted to make. God are you hurt? Should I get someone?"

"No, I'm fine" He grunted then looked at me.
"Are you? That was a pretty tough fall..."

He eyed me up and down, probably for injuries but it still left me a little flustered.

"Yeah fine, anyway.."
I tried to explain quickly why I'm here, before he interrupted again.

"Your wrist..."

I looked down and I had a pretty gnarly bruise on my wrist. Maybe broken.

"Oh sorry, Yeah it'll be fine by tomorrow" I calmly shrugged.
He looked at me like an insane woman and proceeded to grab my wrist and look at it closely.

"No..." He tutted "that's either a sprain or a break. It'll be a good few weeks to heal" He looked at me apologetically.

"Oh god I'm an idiot, I forgot to mention...I'm a mutant, I heal pretty easy."

I thought he'd look at me less weirdly but he didn't. Besides, we're at a school for mutants, he can't exactly judge me.

"Are you...not? Am I in the wrong place? You're looking at me like I have 2 heads..." I muttered, looking around nervously.

He eyes lingered a little longer. His expression unreadable.

"No No, its just...I'm the same. Healing." He said slightly breathless.

This felt oddly intense, and I couldn't bare it so I tried to break the tension with a casual remark.

"Oh that makes sense then, why you're so fine..."

His eyes widened and I was confused for a second until I thought back to the exact words I said...

"NO. Why you're FINE. From the fall! God I don't know why I said that I'm sorry..." I panicked.

His eyebrows furrowed and he stared me down while I silently begged for the floor to swallow me whole.

"Right well uhm...this way."

He turned away from me coldly and we walked silently the rest of the way.

The building was massive, most of it was a warm, old-style mansion filled with happy mutant kids. Being at a boarding school again reminded me of my childhood, but this place held comfort and love. Where I went just held fear...

Eventually we went down a floor and our surrounding were completely different. The walls were all white and modern.

The man I was with beeped a machine and grunted in his usual husky tone...
"Xavier...she's here."

The doors slid open. Revealing a man in a wheelchair with kind eyes that held wisdom at their surface.

"Welcome, you said you have some information? I could feel your concern all the way from the gate. Please, sit down."
He gestured towards an office chair in the room. I sat and he joined me.
"That will be all Logan, thank you"

The man I now knew as Logan waved silently and then left without a word.

I turned back to the proffesor and he leaned forward. Examining me closely, then a voice rang in my ears.
"Ah, I see you've met Magneto..."

I squinted a bit at the sensation, it wasn't bad but just odd hearing his voice and watching his lips not move.

"I hope you don't mind me looking into your head...its simply easier this way to make sure you're being genuine."

I nodded politely, it did make sense, there are so many threats out there he'd understandably want to make sure I was being honest.

He scanned me closer, going through my recent days events thoroughly.

"So you drove six hours on a weekend to tell me Magneto's plans...all for the wellbeing of the children at that...horrible place you suffered in?" He asked, quizzically.

I nodded again, not quite sure how to respond. He leaned back and looked down for a second, clearly thinking deeply.

"I see...How would you like a job here?"

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