chapter three

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"Huh?" Was all the words I could muster if you could even call those words.

"I believe you heard what I said."
Xavier remarked.

I stared at him silently, a moment passing before he took a breath.
"Well, it's a long drive home. Why don't you spend a night here and take the time to consider it?"

It would be nice not driving home today after everything.
I was about to ask if he was sure, but he interrupted me before I could even get the words out.

"Of course. It's the least we can do. I'll call Logan to lead you to an empty room. He usually doesn't help out so much, but the others are out on a mission. "

He closed his eyes, which confused me for a moment until I realised he was contacting him telepathically. He gave me a warm smile and said Logan should be here any minute before turning his chair and leading me to the door.

"I do hope you'll consider my offer..." He said genuinely.

The doors slid open, Logan casually leaning against the doorway. He's relaxed.

He stood straight and gestured silently for me to follow before turning and walking.

I quickly caught up and walked with him before I heard Xavier call out.

"Oh and y/n..." He said out loud, I'm assuming so Logan knew I'd stopped.

But then he talked to me deeply, truly straight into my mind.

"You have nothing to be ashamed about."

The words made my heart pang. I don't think in 28 years I'd ever heard them. I gave him a grateful but teary smile and turned again to Logan, who looked concerned.

I'm not the vulnerable type, so I wiped my eyes and kept walking down the hallway.

Most of the walk was silent until I heard the phone in my bag start to ring.
"Sorry, sorry,"

He sighed and stopped, turning to watch me as I scrambled through my bag. Finally, I found my Nokia and flipped it open.

"It's my boss, sorry I'll try to be quick," I apologised.

He gave a sort of uncaring look and just turned around.

I took a couple of steps away to give myself some space and then answered.

"Hello? Martin? Is something wrong? I thought I had the weekend off..."

"No, you did, y/n. But something is wrong. I've received an anonymous email with some...concerning files. 5 years of working here, and you never told us you were... a mutant?" He sounded disgusted.

"I-I," I stuttered

"Look..." He sighed "Its bad for business. If anyone else got these materials, how could they trust our company when... you work here?"

"Sir, I promise I've never used my mutation at work, I barely use it at all." I begged.

"Y/N, you can come back to pick up your things. That will be all."

I was furious, so angry I could barely talk, my throat closing and my eyes welling up, I felt both strengthened by my rage and knocked down to the floor. I was so betrayed, unable to think of anything but the 5 years of commitment wasted.

Then my anger escaped.
"All I kept at your stupid fucking office was a damn plant...keep it"

I slammed my phone shut and with a scream threw it at the wall, watching it smash into little pieces.

"You alright?"

I caught my breath and then looked at Logan. This is embarrassing.

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I sighed.
"I just got fired after working for 5 damn years... because they found out I'm a mutant."

I backed up against the wall and slid down it, sitting on the cold, hard floor. Logan frowned at me sympathetically.

"I'm sure Xavier could find you a job here if you need one?" He asked.

"Yeah, he already did. I just..." Tears were threatening to escape. In the middle of a strangers hallway. I turned my head away from Logan so at least he wouldn't see.

"I thought I could at least pretend I was normal...but time after time I'm reminded, what everyone really thinks of me and I can't even control it."
I cried. I hated being vulnerable, but this was truly my last straw. Despite Logan's tough exterior, he was also quite easy to talk to.

With a grunt, I felt his presence sit down next to me on the floor. I turned my head and with blotchy skin and red eyes gave him a weak but grateful smile.

He looked at me kindly.

"I don't think of you any different..." He murmured.

I chuckled
"You don't think of me at all. We just met."

His eyebrows raised, and his mouth opened slightly, enough for me to notice and uncontrollably let my eyes drift down to it.

"I might not know you yet, but hopefully, I can get to know you if you take the job here."

I thought for a moment, the office job made me miserable. I've always wanted to help kids, so that would be nice. But working at a mutant school? I'm not sure my mom would ever talk to me again...

Logan eyes watched me thoughtfully as I considered everything.

"I want to say yes just... I think I'd lose my mom's love if I worked with mutants. She's always hated them."
I muttered

honestly. Why was this man so easy to talk to?

He said in a husky but warm voice words I really needed to hear.

"If she hates mutants... Then she doesn't love you."

I smiled at him, so touched by his words. All I could really say was
"Okay, I'll stay."

He stood up quickly, almost excitedly.

"Right, let's get you to your room then. Lucky for you, it's across from me. "
He winked, holding out his hand. I took it, and he pulled me up, and for a moment, I swear time moved slower.

Breathing chest to chest, face to face. His hand still intertwined with mine. If I could stay here forever, I would.

He then coughed, pulled our hands apart, and started walking. God, what was I thinking lingering there...

I followed behind quickly as we turned a few corners and reached a hallway with lots of doors. We walked down until he stopped and scooped through his jean pockets.

He pulled out a key and smiled before handing it to me.
"Right, well...I'm right here. If you need anything, just ask."

He pointed across from the room we stopped at. That must be his room.

"Thank you, really."
I said softly

He looked open for a second, then it's like a wall that I'd took a peek into completely rebuilt itself. His expression turned blank.

"Yeah, whatever. When Jean and Ororo get back, you can ask them for help."

He walked away and closed his door behind him, I stood for a moment thinking about everything that happened.

I shrugged to myself and entered my new space. It wasn't big, but nothing awful. I had a double bed and a closet. A small bathroom with a shower. And on the wall opposite a big window into a beautiful field.

Since it's a Saturday, the kids were out playing, happily being themselves, no matter how apparent it made their mutations. I felt so grateful that a place like this existed for them. If I can help this place one bit, I'll be happy.

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A/N: once I've gotten into this pretty far or finished it I'll go back & edit things. I do read over it but I hope things are still not too messy. <3

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