New kid - 1

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The classroom was filled with the annoying yet familiar clatter of the usual talking, laughter and a bit of gossip. The noise of all the laughter and talking would drain out the occasional sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. Students were playfully hitting each other, laughing, talking and gossiping as usual. In the mix of the chaotic jumble of words and laughter, was Sam.

He sat in the back of the class, in his dusty little corner. He didn't like it of course but he just happened to be unlucky enough to be the last person to come to class on the first day, with that seat as the only vacant one. He hung his head low, letting it rest on the table. His eyes would constantly dart back to the clock every few minutes, counting down the minutes till the homeroom period would end and classes would actually start- Not that he actually enjoyed them though. He covered his ears with his hands, trying to drown out the noise but it didn't really help much. He would occasionally lift his head up and look at all the other students- Wide smiles, laughing, sometimes a bit shocked from whatever new gossip they'd just heard. The sight disgusted him.

Suddenly at once all of the clatter stopped as the door was pushed open and a teacher walked in. She walked in and sat down on the teacher's desk.

"Alright class, you'll be getting a new student today." The teacher said,

With that being said the class erupted into the noise of a bunch of murmurs and whispers.

"Alright, alright, you're excited but please keep your excitement to yourselves," She said as she turned her head to the door of the classroom, "You can come in now."

And just then a tall, brunette boy walked inside the classroom.

He walked in, a cocky grin plastered on his face with his dimples showing.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher asked, turning her head to him,

"My name's Colby, Colby Brock." He simply stated,

"Alright then Colby would you like to introduce yourself and tell us a few things about yourself?"

"Uhh well I'm originally from Kansas but I moved away to LA for a bit but I'm back here in Kansas now. I like all stuff paranormal and I love music."

"Alright then, you can sit next to Jake over there." The teacher said, pointing to Jake.

Colby simply nodded and took his seat next to Jake. His seat was a few rows ahead of Sam's.

Colby's POV:

I looked around the classroom, quickly looking over everyone in the class. My eyes stayed on that blonde boy sitting in the corner of the class for a moment longer than the rest. His head hung low and rested on the table, with an unamused expression painted on his face. I chuckled at the sight and then turned to Jake.

"Uhhh hey, you're Jake right?" I asked,

"Yeah, your name's Colby right?" He asked,

"Yup," I said, my eyes drifting back to the blonde in the corner.

Jake caught my eyes drifting away towards the blonde and he laughed.

"Oh that? That's Sam, Sam Golbach. The kid's a mess. He can barely come up in front of the class and say a single sentence without fumbling and stuttering, it's hilarious honestly," He said, laughing softly. I simply nodded in response, "And yes, he is always that quiet. He basically just sits there, waits till class ends and then leaves the second the bell rings."

"Don't we all though?" I chuckle,

"Yeah but at least we say more than two words unlike him," Jake starts laughing loudly, "Oh and get this, this is the funniest part- Half our teachers don't even know he's in our class." Jake laughs loudly,

"What what?? You can't be serious." I laugh,

"No no dude I'm being so serious, they literally don't even know he exists. Well some of them know he's in our class but they don't bother to remember his name." Jake says, laughing a bit louder.

"Dude no way, that's honestly just sad." I laughed,

"Ahem, boys? Pay attention." The teacher said with a stern tone,

I turned my head and faced her, "Sorry Miss.." I said, with a sheepish tone and Jake also said his own quiet, insincere apology.

Sam's POV:

I could hear their laughter from across the class. They were talking about me. I sat up and started to chew on the strings of my hoodie. With every little chuckle that escaped their mouths I felt the pit in my stomach grow bigger and deeper.

"Alright class open to page 211!" The teacher called out.

I simply opened the book to a random number and then rested my head down on the book. I never really did much in class- Not that any of the teachers noticed though of course. I guess that's one good thing about barely being noticed by anyone.

( 832 words !! also first chapter wooooo. im gonna be working on both this and my other fanfic too at the same time, i'll try to update as regularly as possible. anyways thank u for reading and pls vote it means a bunch to me <3 )

&quot;You left your hoodie at my house&quot; // SolbyWhere stories live. Discover now