Group project - 2

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Sam's POV:

The loud, annoying sound of the bell ringing blared through the air and I jolted up. I fell asleep again. I looked around the classroom and saw that I was one of the only students still in class. I quickly got up, grabbed my bags and rushed out of the classroom. I walked out into the crowded, packed corridor filled to the brim with students pushing and shoving each other to get to wherever they wanna go, gossip and probably a few fights as well. I pushed past the crowd and tried to get out of the school building and to the ground. After a few shoves I finally made it out of the building and the crowd. I looked around the school ground when I spotted Seth  standing by that tree we always meet at. I laughed a bit and ran up to him and gave him a light smack on the head,

"Hey bitch," I laughed,

"Jerk," He laughed, "Hey, how was your first class of the new school year?"

"I dunno. Fell asleep again but it was probably boring, it was Mrs. Maddy's class after all."

Seth dramatically placed his hand on his chest and let out a dramatic sigh, "Mrs. Maddy? Oh boy you sure are gonna suffer this entire year."

"Yeah but I doubt she'll even remember my name. She'll probably forget to ask me for any homework at all."


Colby's POV:

I sat down on one of the school lunch tables on the school grounds with Jake. I looked around a bit and just then my eyes landed on that blonde boy again.

"Hey, that's that Sam kid right?" I said, nudging my head to Sam's direction,

Jake turned his head to Sam's direction and spoke, "Oh yeah, why? What about him?"

"I dunno, didn't you say that he was that one super quiet, boring kid? So who's he talking to?"

"Oh that's Seth. Don't know much about this Seth guy but I know they've been friends for ages. Sam basically follows Nate around everywhere."

"Huh, alright then."

Just then the bell rang again, signaling the end of the lunch break. I rolled my eyes and reluctantly picked up my school bag.

"Jake, you coming?" I asked,

"Nah, I'm skipping, we have science now and I don't wanna deal with Mrs. Maddy."

I let out a slight chuckle, shook my head and left, heading back to class. The corridors were as crowded as ever and I tried to push through the crowd to get to class.

I finally made it to class after a while of pushing through the crowd and pulled my chair and took a seat at my desk. After a few moments all the students finally returned from their break and took their seats. I looked around and that's when I realized Sam still wasn't back yet. After a few moments the teacher entered the class with that same depressed, sleep deprived expression plastered on her face. I watched the clock as the minutes went by but Sam still didn't make it back to class.

Sam's POV:

Just then I heard that familiar sound of the bell ringing. I groaned and reluctantly picked up my bag. "Well, I'll see you later Nate.. Thanks for talking to me, I can't handle just sitting there all alone in the back of the class.. It's exhausting." I said as I started to walk away,

He ruffled my hair and said, "Bye Sam."

I walked back into that boring, incredibly desaturated building. The air inside was at least a bit cooler than the warm, humid air of LA outside in July. The corridors were mostly empty except for a few students. I was late to class again- I always was. I gave a quick glance to the clock on the wall and realized I was already ten minutes late. Mrs. Maddy probably won't even care, she's too sleep deprived for that.

I made it to class and saw that Mrs. Maddy was already inside and started teaching her lesson while also talking to a few students.

I spoke in quiet voice, "Um excuse me, Mrs. Maddy? Can I come in?"

I was responded to with her just continuing with her lesson and talking to the other students, I doubt she even heard me speak.

I spoke up again, this time a bit louder, "Mrs. Maddy, can I come in?"

She didn't hear me again and I simply just stood there. I looked to the class and saw a few people looking at me, chuckling and whispering amongst themselves. I probably looked like such a fool just standing outside, hoping the teacher would actually hear me. Just then I saw Colby sitting next to Corey, one of Jake's asshole friends. They were both looking at me and whispering something amongst themselves, probably insults. I heard them laughing and after a while of just standing there I saw Colby raise his hand and speak up, after he finally stopped laughing,

"Mrs. Maddy, Sam's waiting outside the class."

Mrs. Maddy turned her head, saw me and gave me a sour, unamused glare. She shook her head and rolled her eyes before speaking, "Get in, kid, I don't have all day."

I gave her a shy nod before stepping into class and sitting at my same old seat at the back in the corner.

Mrs. Maddy started her lesson and I simply opened my book to some random page and rested my head on it. I kept looking up at the clock, the minutes went by achingly slow. The teacher's words and the classroom's chatter slowly started to fade and all the words started to merge together while I started to daydream. A small smile appeared on my face. Whatever I was daydreaming of may not be real but it was a much better escape from this boring, desaturated class. Suddenly the white noise that was the classroom's chatter died down and I slowly got up.

"Alright students, I have an announcement to make," Mrs. Maddy said in an unamused tone, "I know the new school year just started but I'm going to be assigning you all a group project. This is for grades so you better take it seriously."

I heard people whispering amongst themselves and friends looking at each other and giggling, knowing they would pick each other as their partner for the project. It just made me want to shrink and disappear, knowing I didn't have anyone to look at like that.

Just then the teacher spoke again, "And I will be choosing the groups."

Groans and sighs filled the classroom. I didn't know how to feel. I barely talked to anyone in class, it would just feel plain awkward working with anyone at this point.

Colby's POV:

The teacher started calling out names and assigning the groups. Just then I heard my name being called out, alongside Sam's. Corey, Jake's friend chuckled and nudged my arm,

"Looks like you're stuck with that mess of a dude." He chuckled,

I chuckled a bit, "He can't be that bad can he?"

"Oh trust me he is. Jake's gonna laugh so hard when he finds out."

I turned to look at Sam. I saw him just sitting there with an unamused, almost anxious look on his face. I chuckled and shook my head before turning back to Corey.

"Well I guess I'll be finding out how annoying that mess of a dude really is soon."

( 1250 words !! sorry for the late update everyone my exams were going on for a bit but they're finally over so i'll be updating more often now. thank u all so much for reading and pls vote it means a bunch to me <33 ) 

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