Beamer Boy - 3

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( and yes the title is named after lil peep's song beamer boy )

Suddenly the sound of the bell ringing blared through the classroom. The annoying sound of chairs screeching after being dragged across the floor was heard before it was quickly muffled by the sound footsteps as students left their classrooms. Colby picked up his bag with a cocky smirk plastered on his face as he walked out of class. The school day was over and he knew he would be talking shit about being paired up with Sam with Jake later that day. Before he left he turned and saw Sam still packing his bags and laughed at the sight of him being the last to leave the classroom.

He walked out of the classroom and pushed through the crowded corridors to leave the school. After a few shoves here and there he finally made it out of the building and walked back home. That cocky smirk still on his face. When he made it home he quickly ran up the stairs and to his room. He lazily threw his bag onto the floor and threw himself onto the bed and grabbed his phone.

Colby's POV:

I quickly grabbed my phone to text Jake. He's gonna have a field day when he finds out I'm paired up with Sam for the group project.

( This is Colby texting Jake )


Jake you're never gonna believe what happened today


Why what happened?


I got paired up with that bitch Sam for some group project






Dude i have a killer idea. can u like pretend to be his friend so that we can find more shit to make fun of him for?? pleaseeee??


i dunno dude that sounds a bit mean


dudee dont be such a buzzkill it'll be fun alr? this way we have more stuff to laugh at


alr fine fine i'll do it

I sighed, put my phone down and shut it off. It did feel a bit mean to be doing this but not mean enough to not do it. I chuckled a bit to myself. I wonder what this dude is really like. But first I gotta figure out how to get that dude to somehow open up to me. I mean he barely even talks to anyone, why would he open up to me of all people? I simply shrugged and laid back in my bed. I'll figure it out soon enough.

( Timeskip )

Sam's POV:

My alarm went off and I groaned as I reluctantly sat up. Sunlight filtered in through the windows and the warm morning air slowly hit me. I groaned and slowly pushed the thin white sheets off of my body. I got up and walked to my closet and picked up a black hoodie and a pair of comfy, baggy jeans and put them on. I grabbed my headphones and my backpack and walked down stairs.

When I walked downstairs I was met with the familiar, muffled sound of the TV playing in the background and the soft, floaty smell of pancakes being baked from the kitchen hit my nose.

"Sam! You're up?" I heard my mom call out from the kitchen,

I walked to the kitchen and saw her there, "Yeah mom, goodmorning." I said with a soft smile playing on my lips,

She gave me a warm smile back before she went back to baking the pancakes, "You want some? They'll be done in a few minutes."

I rubbed the back of my neck before responding, "Ehh.. Some other time mom, I'm gonna be late to school. I'm late almost everyday, Mrs. Maddy is gonna kill me."

She simply nodded, "Oh alright, sweetheart. Have a good day at school!"

I nodded and responded halfheartedly, "I will!" I said before walking out of the door, knowing that everything I said was just a lie.

A frown slowly appeared on my face as I thought about how my day at school would go. No day at school is good for me and I knew today would be no different. As I looked around I saw a bunch of cars on the street, the hot sunlight hitting them only made them look more shiny and glittery. As I walked I heard the sounds of the cars honking, people talking and a few kids running around and playing in the neighborhood. All of it started to feel like too much and the hot LA summer wasn't helping at all. I don't know what my problem was. Seeing all of these people so energetic and just going on with the start of their day, it disgusted me. I knew I couldn't take anymore of it. I quickly grabbed my headphones and connected them to my phone. All of the extra, annoying background noise slowly faded and muffled. A soft smile appeared on my face.

I looked through my phone, knowing exactly which song I would be playing. When I found it my smile grew wider and I clicked on it. The soft, melancholic beats of 'beamer boy' by Lil Peep started playing. I smiled as the soft beats hit my ear. At least now my mood was a little better.

Just then the street came that leads straight to my school. I decided to take a turn and take the longer route instead, like always. I always showed up to school late on purpose. Just the thought of sitting idly in a noisy, annoying classroom, watching everyone talk to their friends while you just had to sit there silently with no one to talk to infuriated me. Mrs. Maddy was of course always pissed about me showing up late everyday but she's too sleep deprived to do anything other than be mad anyways so it didn't matter much.

As I walked I saw someone who looked pretty familiar on the other side of the street. I shrugged it off and assumed it was probably no one I knew. Though I did wonder if it might actually be someone I knew. I debated whether or not I should walk a bit faster to school just to avoid whoever this person was, but at the same time I didn't want to idly sit in class, waiting for a teacher to walk in while I watched everyone having fun talking to each other, having fun while I just sat there pathetically in the corner of the room.

Suddenly I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. The touch scared me and made me flinch, pulling me out of the trance I was in. I turned my head to see who it was and when I turned and whose face it was my smile instantly melted and I groaned to myself inside my head.

( 1131 words !! hope yall liked this chapterrr. thanks for reading, it means a bunch to me and pls vote as well it means a lot <33 )  

&quot;You left your hoodie at my house&quot; // SolbyWhere stories live. Discover now