Chapter 2

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Akiko Yosano's POV - 25yr

The dream should've been expected. After all, many people dream about the past, or even- some are victims to dreams about the future.

I can't say for myself that the future dreams are real.

I've never experienced one.

However, with the dream I had today, there might be something going on.

The agency building looks the same as always. The cafe on the ground floor, and then the agency on the third floor. Anything else I simply ignore- it's not important right now.

What is important, is that I don't get a scolding from Kunikida that I'm late.

I head upstairs via the stairs and stop on the agency's floor, opening the door normally as if it was a normal day. The office is strangely empty, save for three people. Ranpo is sitting on the desk eating his usual snacks, and I can already hear Kunikida scolding some unfortunate soul. I quietly walk by and see that it's Dazai he's scolding.

Serves him right, he's lazing off with a pair of headphones on the couch. Although I can't say much about lazing off either, given that I've overslept. Hopefully no one says anything of it.

I take a seat at a desk, and a small "Afternoon.." comes from everybody. I reply back to all of them with my own, before pausing and looking to Ranpo.

"Where's the rookie?"

Some days ago, Dazai hired an orphan out of the blue. If that wasn't weird enough, this orphan could apparently turn into a tiger in the moonlight- and was on the run for a couple weeks too. News came around fast, and soon we were on his case. Then Dazai decided to drown himself in some river somewhere. Coincidentally, he also met the boy. Atsushi Nakajima, I heard.

Kunikida's scolding comes to a halt, and he pops his head out of the little curtain around the couch.

"We sent him on a case with the Tanizakis around ten minutes ago. Some petty smugglers are camping behind a building, and a woman came to get us to gather evidence of it so she could report them."

He lets out a small huff from his nose, before folding his arms.

"I figured it shouldn't be too troublesome for the brat's first case."

I raise an eyebrow at how he references to the boy, and lean back in my chair. This rookie wasn't really 'welcome', by the looks of it. Aside from that- for a first case, that wasn't half bad. I'd even say the rookie got lucky. For detectives, gathering evidence is what leads to successful investigations. Learning a core skill for your first case is almost perfect.

"I wouldn't say it's troublesome. I'm sure with Tanizaki, the boy will learn a thing or two."

I'm careful not to mention Naomi. Tanizaki and her sister are nothing but trouble together, so unfortunately the rookie will have to learn the hard way.

"So why with Tanizaki and Naomi then?"

Kunikida adjusts his glasses, shooting Dazai a quick glance before turning to face me.

"Well, it was rather sudden. A woman came in this morning, quite distressed about some smugglers camping behind her building. And with that, the blockhead decides it's a good opportunity to ask her on a double suicide."

He scoffs, glaring at Dazai as he mentions it. Dazai ignores him, facing the other way completely. I'm sure Kunikida's patience has boiled over by now, but he continues.

"Anyway, this would be a good opportunity for Atsushi to get his feet wet if he wants to continue working here. Although I only planned for it to be with Tanizaki, you know how it is between those two.." His voice trails off into a mumble, and is interrupted with some loud chewing from Ranpo.

"Smugglers, huh? What are they smuggling? Jewels? It better be worth his time, you know. I'd quit if it wasn't worthwhile. My first case was much more interesting, I'll let you know."

Kunikida sighs, and again, adjusts his glasses to rest upon his nose. "Nothing so dramatic, Ranpo. The rookie doesn't have as much experience as you. From what the woman told us, it seems to be mostly counterfeit goods. But we're not focusing on that, the case was only to gather evidence of them being there. She mentioned about calling the police afterwards to deal with it all."

I hear Ranpo groan, and start munching on his crisps again. Ignoring that, I turn to Kunikida again. "Still, gathering evidence can be tricky if you don't know what you're doing. Are you sure sending Atsushi with just the Tanizakis was wise?"

He looks to the side for a moment, contemplating something. "We're short-staffed today, and the woman was insistent on immediate action. I sent him instructions and case with equipment in- and Tanizaki is reliable enough to be able to set his first case off."

"Oh, Dr. Yosano."

I turn my head to Ranpo. Kunikida seems a bit offended at being interrupted like that, but he doesn't say anything about it and moves back to scolding Dazai. To be honest, I'd have given up already.

"Did you get me some ramune?"

Ranpo snaps me out of my thoughts. He's moved on from crisps quickly, sucking on his lollipop and taking it from out of his mouth.

"I'm afraid I didn't go shopping this morning. Though if there's anything we need, then-"

"We've run out of food in the agency kitchen." He interrupts casually, waving a hand towards me. Sometimes I wish I could tell him off for certain things, but that isn't possible with his reputation around in the agency, really.

A sigh escapes my lips. "I'll see if I can go some point today."

I swivel around in my chair, and open my laptop that was already placed out for me. I swear I could hear Ranpo grinning besides me too.

Some minutes pass as I message someone from the hospital nearby, offering time to do any favours for them. They politely decline at first, but after some more skilled messaging they finally give in and ask for some supplies to be bought on a whim.

Meanwhile Kunikida's back at his desk, Dazai's still lounging around on the couch. Although it isn't long until he leaves the agency, and he doesn't keep it a secret either, with the way he slams the door. I hear Kunikida scoff, and under his breath he mutters:

"Idiot's gonna pay for the door.."

Some angry scribbling comes from his pen on his notebook, but that's the only noise that comes out from any of us for the next five minutes or so.

I also decide that this will be a good opportunity to get some supplies for the local hospital and for the agency, before my phone suddenly vibrates in my pocket.

Dazai: Stay at the office.

Again, I find my eyebrow perking up. First, he lounges around on the couch, before getting scolded by Kunikida. Second, he leaves without a word, before texting me to stay at the office.

The idiot is unpredictable. And he never provides context either, which is irritating.

I sigh quietly to myself, and lean back on my chair. So now what? I just laze around the office too? Before I could ask if anyone else got a text message, Kunikida speaks up.

"Something wrong, Dr. Yosano?"

I swivel round on my chair to face all of them and cross my legs over one another.

"Dazai knows something we don't."

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