Chapter 15: The Beginning of the End

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Everyone looked around at another in confusion. Was Jessica telling them the truth? But if she was then that meant they've allowed the man behind all their pain inside the one place they thought to be safe. But if she wasn't then they could never trust her again.

So everyone could think things over, they tied both Jessica and Alex up, making the students and old trainers watch them, very carefully.

"Do you think she's telling the truth?" Fluke asked.

All he received in return was everyone telling him that they weren't sure at this point.

"Well, I think we can safely assume from this that one of them is the leader of the BITD.." Rage sighed.

"Okay... But how are we going to find out who it is? I mean, both of them are just going to start pointing fingers at each other." Hollow admitted.

"We'll need a third party to decide that... But then again, we don't have that. None of us really know the full story behind all of this..." Morgan said.

The others just sighed, and they went back into the dojo in which they were keeping Alex and Jessica. They hoped that while they were gone someone watching them would have found out something. Either that, or they figured out a plan to determine which one of the two was the enemy.

Sadly none of their hopes where achieved, because when they walked in the dojo, the only thing different was a rock wall between Alex and Jessica, which was apparently there because the two were trying to bend their elements at each other.

"What are we even going to do when we figure out who the leader is?" Richelle wondered aloud.

"We'll have to get rid of them." Kaitlin said, moving her finger across her neck.

"So, a death penalty sort of thing?" Evanz asked.

Fred and Greg nodded.

"This means we'll need to be sure who the leader is then." Lily said, not wanting to be left out of the conversation.

"Wait, are we seriously going to kill them? What happens if we get it wrong?!" Christine asked, not liking the idea of killing someone.

"It's okay, we'll be sure we get it ri-" Morgan said reassuringly, but was cut off by a shriek coming from Greg.

"NOT THIS LIZARD AGAIN!!!" Greg shouted, moving away from the tiny lizard on the ground, which seemed to be listening to the conversation.

"Lizzy?!" Rage and Morgan shouted in unison.

The lizard nodded, recognizing the name.

Fluke took this time to sit down next to the lizard. "Hey Lizzy, do you know which on of those two is the BITD leader?" Fluke asked the lizard.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, but their reactions quickly changed when Lizzy nodded.

"There is no way a lizard can help us in deciding who the leader is.." Charlie mumbled.

"Do NOT doubt the power of the Lizzy. She has be a real help through the years, and I doubt she'll stop now." Rage replied.

Charlie sighed, as well as the other students. Mainly because they had their doubts as well. It was at this time when Fluke began to speak to Lizzy again.

"Now, Lizzy. Can you really tell us which one?" Fluke asked, in a tone like he was referring to the lizard as a small child.

Lizzy nodded yet again. But no one really wanted to believe the lizard fully. Not even the two tied up in chairs.

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