Chapter 6.5: Everything We Need

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*???'s PoV*

"And that's how they got kicked out of the park." Karla said to me, finishing her and her brother's story.

"Well done you two." I complimented them.

They make me so proud, I could easily run the entire company with just those two. They listen to what I tell them, and they still give me more than what I asked for.

Take this trip for example, I tell them just to spy on them, and if anything interesting happens then they should tell me. What do they do? They find out the exact reasons why the Avatar and his friends got kicked out of the only bender amusement park in the entirety of the universe. Then they tell me little fun facts.

The students are apparently all close now, and work exceptionally well together. The one fire bender in particular has a fear of cookies now. His friend seems to follow him and his lead. The rest are becoming closer and closer, and are probably inseparable.

Then they tell me that Jessica, probably one of the more annoying people there, has an extreme fear of heights. So we know she hates needles and can pass out due to heights.

Then Morgan, apparently she is the practical opposite. Apparently her and Hollow were the only two to try every single ride. So those two aren't phased much by appearance... or extreme speeds.

Then the other trainers are still the same as they were, Rage still fears spiders, Fluke is his merry self, Richelle is the calm one who keeps most of the idiots in line.

Then Evanz, he's still loathed here. But despite that, it'll be best for this place to have him on our side. But the most important question I can managed to think of would be is How do I do that.

I sighed, looking at my two students. Somehow they managed to gain the trust of someone in the facility before they even went on this trip, without me even telling them.

But which one was it? I can't seem to remember.

Ahh it doesn't matter, they gave us enough information to work with.

"Ty. Karla." I said, gaining their attention.

"Yeah, Old Man?" Ty asked.

"I would like to inform you, that what you have been waiting for will be coming soon."

I watched as their eyes practically lit up.

"YES!!! I have been waiting for this since we started this!!" Ty shouted.

"Exactly how soon is soon?" Karla asked.

"When I tell you."


"It'll happen when I give you the word."

"Karla, stop bugging Old Man. I want to do this as soon as possible!" Ty said, glaring at his sister.

"Well, unlike you. I like to plan ahead."

"SILENCE!!" I shouted, stopping their bickering that was going to start. "There will be ear pieces in your rooms, you will use them the day of phase one. That's how I'll tell you."

"When will that be?" Karla asked, yet again, not letting it go. This gained her another glare from Ty.

"When you start it." I simply said.

"WHAT?!" The siblings said in unison.

"You heard me, you two can start the plan when you feel like it."

"But. But. How will we know when?!" Karla questioned.

"You'll figure it out. Besides, we are ready to start any time now."

"Okay. Okay. Okay. We got it Old Man." Ty said, walking out of my office, motioning for his sister to come as well.

I watched as the two of them left, sometimes I wonder if they are the two I am proud of.

Some points they get on my nerves, but then I remember that if it wasn't for those two, the plan would be no where near ready to start of they didn't gather all they did.

I just hope they are as enthused as they make it seem. If they say they are going to start, then we have to start.

The plan is linear. Phase one, weaken the facility...

*Ty and Karla's location (3rd person)*

Ty and Karla traveled through the BITD base to Ty's room. When they got there they began to talk about the plan and more importantly phase one.

When they finally arrived in Ty's room, the first thing Karla did was complain how filthy his room was.

"We could always talk about this in your room." Ty shot back, causing her to instantly stop complaining.

"Whatever. So when should we start the plan?" Karla asked.

"Well, Old Man said we can start at anytime."

"Why do you still call him that? He's not even in his mid thirties."

"Don't ask about my ways!"

"Ugh. Ty you are an idiot..."

"And I'm the older one. What does that say about you?"

"You are a whole ten minutes older! It says nothing about me!!"

"Ha! You just say that because you don't have a comeback."

Karla looked at her brother with complete annoyance, she readied herself to toast him if necessary.

"Um.. Anyways..." Ty said, sensing the anger coming off her. "I say we start tomorrow-"

"That's way too soon!"

"Then when isn't.. your highness?"

"So help me Ty, I will burn your face off!" Karla threatened. "I was thinking, in a few days."


"Because, it'll give them more false hope that we, the BITD, are definitely not around."

"That may be the best idea you have ever had."

"Thank you. Now how about in three days?"

"Why don't we split it between our wanted times, and start it in two days? And don't forget, Old Man will tell us when we can do you know what."

"Yeah. I got it. So Ty. Looks like we have ourselves a plan."

"I can't wait to crush the facility!"

"Me too, Ty. Me too."

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