Chapter 3

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Kai slammed on the brakes and everyone jolted forwards. 

“What was that!” Sunoo shrieked.

“It was just a deer. It's fine it ran away, are you all okay” Kai giggled.

“remind me not to get in the car with you again.”

“Oh well, if you don't want tanghulu we can go back” 

“Nooooooooooo, we're literally 4 minutes away from ASDA!” Sunoo whined. 

She mumbled something illegible under her breath, starting the car again and made her way towards the store. 

 Once they arrived at the grocery store Kai assigned them groceries They needed To collect then meet back near The tills. “Sunoo, Riki and I will get the fruit then You and Heeseung bring The sugar and grab some other snacks for later.” Anisha sighed,  Of course She put them together… ‘It should be fine, it's just shopping’ she thought to herself, attempting to Put herself at ease. 

“Okay, we'll meet back here in 30 minutes.” Kai said then She took a trolly and walked away with Riki and Sunoo by her side, leaving just the two of them, together, alone… they could not deny the tension in the air as they walked around the store together, it was so… Cold. “Let's get the main things first Then get the snacks after” Anisha ordered, refusing to look at him. He trailed behind her quietly, with a blank Face. Anisha found the sugar and put it in her basket then also added in some skewers for the fruit just in case Kai forgot, then they Both made there way towards the snack isle. 

“what do you want?” Heeseung questioned with a smile that absolutely infuriated her. Looking at the isles filled with colourful sweets and crisps from top to bottom at an overstimulating rate. Anisha ignored him and added the snacks she thought everyone would like and put them in the basket. “What, so your ignoring me now?” He asked, his eyes looking puzzled. Anisha let out an exasperated sigh, overcome with emotion. 

“Heeseung, don't you get it? You left me without saying anything, no phone call, no text, ans now your back expexting everything to be fine and back to normal, YOU WHERE GONE FOR 3 YEARS, I hate you, I hate being around you and most of all I hate the relationship I'm being forced into with you.” she looked up at Him his mouth slightly ajar, His eyes where full of something she had not seen before, was it guilt? Regret? Or simply just anger? She could not tell. Before he could say anything or process what she had just revealed to him,  she left the isle making her way back to the meeting point. She could feel him walking behind her but she would rather ignore it. She tried not to sob out of anger, if the other's saw, it would not be okay, fixing her composure, she put on the brightest decieving smile she could bring out of her praying that noone would see through her and walked towards the rest. 

The drive home qas eerily silent the boys seemed like they got a telling off from Kai and Heeseung was obviously quite for his own reasons so, Anisha sat staring out the window thinking another everything and anything she could in the short drive to her home. When Kai parked up her car at Anishas home, Heeseung finally spoke “I'm leaving” he said cold and slammed the door heading back towards his own home. Kai looked at me with questioning and worried eyes. “Sheesh, he didn't have to say it like that” Sunoo rolled his eyes. “LET’S GO LET’S GO” Riki exclaimed in am excited tone, running into the house with the bags of food. Everyone laughed as they followed him. Rki Began taking out the fruits and washing them whilst Sunoo put a pan on the cooker. “Don't put the iced water out yet because then it won't work” Kai explained. Anisha got out a bowl and waited as Riki Finished dring Off the fruits Kai began putting them onto skewers. 

“Sunoo you can make the sugar mixture now, remember 1 part sugar 2 parts water, then put it on the wait till it starts going golden.” 

“Okay” sunoo Smiled back, unable to contain his excitement. Anisha Took that as her que to fill the bowl with water and ice bringing it to Sunoo. “The fruit and the water are ready” Anisha informed Sunoo, “The sugar is almost Ready too” Sunoo exclaimed, “can I start coating the fruit?” 

 “Yes but remember it needs to be done super Quick” 

Sunoo grabbed Hold of the fruit skewers and dipped them into the sugary solution one by one then quickly dipped them Into the iced water. After waiting a few minutes Sunoo pulled out one of the keeps and bit into it, the strawberry had a satisfying crunch and flavour apparently according to Sunoos face. “I DID IT AHHHHH” he was so happy, it was so cute. “Awww sunoo I'm so happy for you" Anisha exclaimed. sunoo Had been trying to successfully make tanghulu for months now it for the first time he was successful,  the smile on his face mirrored the Acomplishment. 

“Can you smell that” Riki Said disgusted covering his nose with his hand. They all brought their attention to the sugary Liquid still on the stove. “oh My gosh, Sunoo, You burnt the sugar” Kai Stated, her eyes had a scary look, she pulled Sunoos ear. “You better wash this before I come back from setting up the snacks or else…” 

“Ahh, okay okay, I'm sorry!!” he yelped in pain.

One thing about making tanghulu, the sugar is almost impossible to clean once It has been burnt. 

Anisha and Kai were walking into the living room when Kai suddenly Broke the silence, in a serious tone “What's wrong with you? You have not been the same since Heeseung came back, listen i know how You feel about him but atleast try and be civil until Aria's wedding is over.” Anisha could never hide anything from her, for she could See right through her. 

“He doesn't get it, he keeps trying to go back to how we were three years ago but how can we? He left me without a word, he didn't even say goodbye, and he expects us to just become friends again? I hate him.” 

“you better sort this out before you get married in 4 months, I'm leaving in a bit to sleep because we have to go to Aria's tomorrow to practise dances for the mehndi.” Kai scoffed. 

Anisha sat down on the sofa and put on guardians of the galaxy, one of Kais favourite movies in hopes she would cool down a bit, Kai narrowed her eyes towards her and laughed slightly. As The opening of the movie finished the Door suddenly opened “Aww, man you guys started The movie without us!” Riki complained, sunoo walking in behind him. In all honesty Anisha had completely forgotten about the other two boys.

 “That's what you get for spilling the sugar” 

They sat down On the couch across from the girls and began eating the popcorn on the table, riki layed Down with his feet in sunoos lap. half way through the movie Anisha Could feel something hitting her shoulder, at first she ignored it, but it kept pestering her, as she looked out of the corner of her eye she could see riki throwing popcorn at her. “Stop It” She said in a tone Of authority, as if she waslre talking to a hyper puppy, as expected riki Persisted annoying her. Then all of a sudden Anisha picked up the bowl of Popcorn And tipped it all over rikis head, And with that popcorn was flung all over the room from one side to another. Riki And Anisha giggling whilst fighting, In the Mess sunoo somehow Also got Dragged in amusingly. 

The ring of the doorbell Echoes throughout the house, “oh flip i better go get that.” Kai exclaimed making her way to the door, 

“Hey, I'm here to pick you up i have a surprise for you “ Jake said planting a kiss on her cheek. He raised an eyebrow at the noise inside “Hey guys! I'm taking Kai away from… whatever this all is!” He stated and kai grabbed her things and walked out with him.

“I wonder where they're going” Sunoo giggled after pouring more popcorn on Anishas head and as if she had come to a world riveting Realisation she screamed “Oh my gosh, you All better help me clean up this mess right now, my parents are coming Back tomorrow morning!!” and with that they all began cleaning

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