chapter 7

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“Hey, Anisha!” My close friend Beomgyu exclaimed as we were leaving our Last lecture for the day. Univarsity had opened up again from the holidays. He grabbed my arm, linking his with mine, and began walking with me. He had no spacial awareness AT ALL, but I was used to it by now. “Aee you going to Jackson Wangs party this weekend?” He asked. “Ew, you know i hate that guy.” I rolled my eyes. “Awww, so i have to go alone?” He whined. All of a sudden, i remembered that i was getting married on the weekend. “Oh shoot, you can’t go to the party either… I completely forgot to tell you, but I'm getting married on Sunday.” i whispeted to him. “YOU WHAT? WHEN WERE YOU EVEN EMGAGED! DO YOU EVEN KNOW THE GUY?” he shouted louder than I would have liked, multiple people turned their heads towards us. “Shush, I'll call you about it later, i completely forgot about it… Today is friday which means were getting the room set up.” I said as i nibbled at my nails. 

As we walked Out the door I was greeted by a familiar car, A blue porche or more specifically… Heeseungs blue porche, and as if on cue Heeseung got out of the car and glared at me. I attempted to ignore him, maybe he was here for Jay… however, he began walking towards us and he looked so out of place.  

“do you know that guy? He looks so mad.” Beomgyu Whispered. "you think?” I said in a sarcastic tone. 

Heyyy…” I trailed off. “What are You doing here?” I questioned. 

“Oh, so I need permission to pick up my fiance from school now?” he emphasised the word fiance. He made w show of pulling me out of Beomgyus grasp and into his. I was so confused. Why was he acting so jealous right now. “And… who are you?” he asked with a smirk. “Hey, I'm one of Anishas friends Beomgyu, I look forward to seeing you at the wedding.” He retorted In a polite tone. 

“Yeah, we're going home now to set OUR bedroom up for OUR Wedding.” He firmly grabbed my arm and yanked Me into The car, slamming the door, then getting into His side. 

“Who was that?” He asked Gritting his teeth.

“Oh, he's just a friend.” I replied back, monotone. 

“Oh, just the Way we were friends three years ago?” He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. 

“I told you not to bring that up again… it was just a mistake.” I said aggravated. 

“Since we are getting married, we need to put down some ground rules. Firstly, You Will Not Cheat On Me, no matter what. I do not tolerate being disrespected like that, and you know that. Secondly, we should both mind our own business and not interfere in each others lives.” He stated, voice dripping with venom.

“I hope you stick to the rules then.” I rolled my eyes at him. 

“enough of that attitude.” he nagged. I chose to ignore him the rest of the drive home. 

He parked his car in the garage and finally spoke. His eyes darted from mine to the door. He lowered his voice “I know you don't think much of me right now, but can you please pretend to atleast be friends with me? For my mother's sake, she'll be upset to know we haven't made up yet, the wedding is in two days.” 

“Of course, I'd do anything for her.” 

We got out of the car and headed in. The house was full of people all in a rush getting ready for the wedding. There were relatives everywhere. 

I headed towards Heeseungs mum and she pulled me into a hug. “How are you? How was school! Kai is in Heeseungs bedroom, getting it ready. I chose to just start putting the gifts from our side up as well , as we're only doing a nikkah.” She explained. 

I nodded at her and then headed to Heeseungs room where I met with my mother, sister, and cousin. I said my hellos And then asked if they needed help. “Can you start setting up the bathroom how you like it? We all know you're picky.” Isa spoke Teasingly. 

“Offttt, I don't know how Heeseungs is going to put up with you.” Kai said, both girls giggling. 

“Shut up!” I Groaned swatting her lightly, as i began adding organisers into the bathroom cabinet. The bathroom was farely large and contained a shower and a very questionable large bath. Making my eyebrows raise. What could he possibly need that for? 

“Hi, sorry to Interrupt you girls, but can I please steal Anisha for a second?” Heeseung rushed, looking distraught. 

“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” Kai exclaimed. I quickly came out of the bathroom and grabbed His arm, taking him into a spare room. 

“What happened?” I asked, concern lacing my voice. 

“You know how there was some big issue at the company? Turns out my assistant was the one who Was leaking information to other companies and… My fans? That i did not know i had… She was also trying to expose our marriage, saying that your parents sold you to me… I'm basically attempting to harm both companies. We have currently filled for A law suit but we don't know what they could be capable Of. She already tried to attack Jake… I'm asking you this as your childhood best friend. Please come into work with me when you're not in university. And when you are in uni, please stay with the guys. You can work as my temporary assistant for a while.” He explained, I could tell he was nervous. dishevelled.  “I'll accept your job offer on one condition… Your staff should bever find out about us, am i clear?” 

Heeseung shoved me back slightly and scoffed “you better shut the hell up before I leave you at the altar.” ughhh, he's so annoying. This man made me want to rip my hair out. Why was he sulking, it's not like this marriage was real…

I left the spare room and went Back into the bedroom and Began filling it with all my toiletries I had bought. Heeseung had purchased a vanity for me according to his mother… how much of that I believe I don't know… 

“Anisha, I bought you some new makeup for your vanity, im going to start filling it up your not allowed to see so just stay in the bathroom!” His mother yelled as she giggles like a little girl. She must have felt as though her youth was coming back to her. It made me smile… I loved when she was happy, she had such a hard life, full Of loss and sorrow. 

I guess I have to get ready for work on Monday now… I don't know how to mentally prepare myself for this. Never mind that… HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO PROCESS GETTING MARRIED…  TO A WHOLE MAN… I HAVE TO SHARE MY NIGHTS, MEALS AND HOUSE… It wont be long till they expect children… We all know what these aunties are like, pakistani and korean. I Rolled my eyes just thinking about it. 

"Anisha! Go home, the rest is a surprise.” my soon to be mother In law shouted From the other side of the room. “Okay, okay, relax, I'm leaving.” I laughed. Grabbing my things and heading out the door.

as I walked into my room I realised I had no office Appropriate Clothing. I Rummaged through my wardrobe and managed to find a white button up shirt and a black skirt, it was slightly too short but it could make do… I'm not sure If they allow girls to wear trousers so I'd rather play it safe. I paired the outfit with a black knitted Ralph Lauren  jumper and some black tights. That Should be okay… I should probably have gotten ready for Saturday but I just wanted to sleep. I changed into a pair of fluffy pyjamas and put on my slippers, then made my way downstairs.

I brewed myself a cup of tea and headed back into my room. I switched on my telly and put on the amazing world of gumbal - my favourite kids show.
It dripped with nostalgia, every scene bringing me back to my childhood. I felt a tear spill from my eye, honestly, what was the point of marriage - what would it signify- what would life mean… I Mean if we count four years ago our marriage was technically not loveless… We loved eachother at some point… I mean we had too have, three years ago when he kissed me on new years just before he left, without saying anything. I just couldn't understand him. It was so difficult to live like this. Sooner or later I dozed off into an empty dream.

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