Ratchet Drama

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"Ugh just ignore it" Dylan said trying to pull me back down, but then I heard Talisha's voice and got up pulling my clothes back on and throwing him his clothes. He grumbled and complained the whole time. Once we were both dressed I went and opened up the door, Talisha pushed straight through me as if this was her house or something which made me even angrier than seeing this bitch at my door.

"Dylan bring your ass here, I got something to tell you!" she said yelling through my apartment. Dylan came out of the bathroom drying his hands off on a paper towel.

"What do you want Talisha and why do you have to yell," Talisha rushed over to him and grabbed onto his arm pulling his head down into her chest.

"I'm so sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, because I know that trifling bitch over there ain't about to say shit," she said glaring at me. Dylan tried to pull his head away but she kept pushing him back into her.

"Umm, okay what do you have to tell me," Dylan asked.

"She cheated on you at the mall today, she told me she was going to say yes to you at the mall and not even ten minutes later she was making out with MY man!"

"First off dumb ass he wasn't your man, so you need to cut that psycho bitch shit out," I finally said interrupting her little snitching rat speech.

"Shut the fuck up you piece of trash, you're not worth anyone's time or breath so don't even talk to me," she said to me. Oh yeah she was definitely bringing the anger out of me right now.

"Second off" I said continuing and ignoring her "you dirty garbage truck Oscar the grouch looking bitch, you are in my damn house talking all that shit like you know you got them hands and can actually talk all that smack in my house and not get hurt, but how about I teach the trash bag titty whore a lesson." I said cracking my knuckles. Oh yeah I definitely have weird slays because I have been practicing on becoming more like Charlie Sheen in the slay department. She practically threw Dylan off of her and came at me with her hand prepared to slap me not even caring that she was leaving herself wide open to a boxer like myself. You have messed with the wrong bitch today sweetheart, I thought to myself.

Right when she got close enough, I dodged her sloppy slap easily and aimed straight for the ribs. What made me even angrier is she knows how I fight and she still wanted to try me, she's obviously trying to get me arrested again. With that resolve knowing her little trick I stopped dead in my tracks before I broke two of her ribs. And I could hear the breath she was holding whoosh out of her.

"Get out of my damn house before I call the cops on you," I said in an eerily calm voice.

"Dylan, so you're going to sit here and stay with this wack ass bitch," she yelled at him once she took a few deep breaths.

"Uh yeah, she already told me about that when I got back. So you weren't relaying any real news, and of course I forgave my lady," Dylan said wrapping his arms possessively around my waist.
Talisha yelled a bunch of profanity at the both of us before finally storming out. Wow this bitch is really ratchet and crazy, I knew she wasn't done because when someone did something to Talisha she always played dirty, although I seriously didn't do anything that wrong to her.

"Okay so do you want to continue where we left off because I'm still horny" Dylan said hugging me from behind so I could feel his.. Happiness.

"Not now Dylan," I said getting out of his grasp to grab my phone and call my real best friends. Who sadly went to different Universities than me, but although we were split up we still kept in touch with each other since we've known each other since we were still in the crib.

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