Alex Gaskarth ~ Shut up and kiss me

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Today, like most days was pretty boring. Just walking around my local supermarket doing some shopping when a very distressed, but very attractive man runs up to me.

"Hey, Im Alex and um I know I don't know you but...uhh I've just seen my ex-girlfriend round the corner with her new boyfriend. So what I'm asking is...would you mind being my pretend girlfriend for maybe like 20 minutes to make her jealous? And also I told her I had a new girlfriend. So could you help me out?" He look hopefully towards me. I was trying to take in all the information I had just been given.

"You dont need to like, kiss me or anything. Just walk about holding hand and accidentally on purpose bump into her? Please?" He said, now looking less hopeful as I hadn't replied yet. Well whats the worst that can happen? On the plus side I get to walk around with a pretty handsome guy for a while.

"Yeah, sure. Im (Y/N) by the way," I smile at him.
A look of relief washes over his face and he takes my hand.

"Thank you so much (Y/N)" Alex says as he squeezed my hand.

We walk around for a while, pretending to look at different things, as Alex guides us towards where he saw his ex.

"There she is..." He says with a shakey breath.

"Its gonna be okay, lets just walk past them, very causally. Alright?" I say giving him a genuine smile to reassure him.

"Okay lets go" Alex leads me down towards his ex when I hear a very annoying, high pitched sounding voice.

"Alex?!" I look to see a girl with way too much make up on and dragging behind her, a very bored looking guy.

"Its been a while! Is this your girlfriend? I thought she'd be prettier than this." she said giving me a dirty look up and down.

"(Y/N), this is Amy, my ex..." Alex says pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around my waist, making me feel butterflies in my stomach. 'This is crazy' I think 'Ive only just met this man'
I must have been lost in my thoughts for longer than I thought as I find myself being stared at by Alex, Amy and who im guessing to be Amy's boyfriend.

"So what do you think? Dinner tomorrow night, a double date?" She asks.
I look up at Alex, who has a worried look on his face. I figure I'd do this guy a favour and plus I get to go out on a date with him, even if it is a fake date. Meh what the hell.

"Sure! Dinner sounds great." I say looking at Alex who now looks very confused.

"Okay! See you then! C'mon Brad lets go. Bye guys." Amy says, walking away.

Alex takes his arms away from my waist and stands in front of me.

"You don't need to do that, I can cancel if you want." He said.

"Its fine, I guess. I dont mind?" I look up at him.

"Really? You would do that? Well thats great! Uhm, heres my phone, put my number in it and I'll text you later?" He said.

~~Next day~~

Alex had picked me up around 7pm, and I have to say he looked fucking hot. He had a button down shirt and jeans on, it suited him well.
I kept it casual too, me wearing black skinny jeans and a tank top.

"You look a-amazing!" He stutters.

"Thanks" I blush, "So where arewe going?"

"Just this little chinese restaurant, that cool with you?" He asks.

"Yeah, I love chinese!" I say to him.

We arrive at the restaurant and through the window we see Amy and Brad, making out. It looked gross.

I can see Alex staring at them, he looked really pissed off. I look back at his ex and shes now looking at us. I feel Alex's hands on my waist and he pulls me towards him as my hands rest on his shoulders. He leans into me and kisses my cheek.
"Do you mind if I do what Im about to do?"

"And whats that?" I ask smiling at him.
He leans in again, whispering in my ear
"I think you know..." He pulls back, smiling as shivers went down my spine. Then ever so lightly he presses his lips to mines. Once he knows Im not pulling away, he deepens the kiss and if its even possible, pulls me closer to him.
I pull away looking into the restaurant to see Amy with her mouth wide open. I look her in the eyes then lean back up to kiss him again, flipping Amy off in the process.
Alex pulls away and laughs at my hand gesture towards Amy.

"You know what? Fuck this, lets go somewhere else, on a real date just you and me. What do you think?" He smirks at me

"I would love to," I cant stop smiling.

"Wait, um.. will you be my real girlfriend now?" Alex asks nervously.

"Of course I will!" I laugh before Alex smiles and pulls me away from the chinese place, to an actual date. This is going be the start of something great.

Hey to anyone reading, this was a kinda shitty ending but meh i liked this one :D

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