Who are you? ((Part Two))

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He leans his head down towards mine so our foreheads touch and I can feel his breath on my lips.
He was about to lean forward and kiss me when my phone starts ringing from inside my pocket, causing us to pull apart as it startled us both.

"Shit." I whisper before answering the phone.

"Hello?" I say sounding disappointed because I was about to have my first kiss! And it got ruined!

"Hi (Y/N) just to let you know I'm putting dinner out so come home now." My mum says down the phone.

"Okay see you soon" I say hanging up the phone and looking over at Derek who is looking on at me with sad eyes, awkwardly pacing around.

"So, um... I have to go now..." I trail off interrupting the silence that had filled the room after I hung up the phone.

"Yeah I heard..." he says, sounding just as disappointed as I did when I answered the phone.

Maybe he wasn't just doing me a favour? Maybe he actually wanted to kiss me? And now it won't happen, the moments gone. Wow thanks mum...

"So, I'll see you around then?" I ask as I make my way to the bedroom door, brushing past him.

"Yeah I guess..." he replies turning around as I pass him. "Bye.." Derek continues and looks down defeated.

"Bye..." I reply, walking out the room.

I make my way to the front door and hear Derek cursing up stairs. I choose to ignore it and just leave.

When I get back to my house I avoid all questions possible about what I got up to at Dereks house. I just wanted to go to my room...

Eventually, I make my way up to my room and collapse on the bed. I can't believe that fucked up!
This hot guy was about to kiss me and it got ruined by a stupid phone call! I doubt I'll ever get a chance like that again with him, but maybe it's for the best? I mean I'd only known him a few hours but it felt like much longer.

I get up from my bed and walk around my room, as I walk past my window I hear chapping and a faint "Hey!" coming from outside.
I look out my window and Derek is across from me in his room at his window. I open mines and he opens his at the same time.

"I'm sorry about earlier..."he says sadly.

I smile at him "Don't be, it wasn't your fault. And I still appreciate the offer." I laugh.
He looks away, like he's thinking and looks back at me.

"Is there any chance you could meet me in the park across the road?" He asks.

"Um sure, I guess?" I reply confused

"Okay. Meet you there in 10 minutes." And with that he leaves his room.

Well then, I better get going. Before I leave I put on some perfume and top up my make up, then I make my way down stairs.

~~~~~~~~~in the park~~~~~~~~~

I wonder around for a while, with no sign of Derek. I decide to make my way to the swings and wait for I'm to find me I guess.
Around 5 minutes later someone comes up behind the other swing and sits on it, but I don't look round as it's probably some kid. A few seconds pass when I hear a small;

"Hey.." I look round to find Derek sitting on the swing beside me.

"Hi" I say sort of awkwardly. Why Is it awkward? I mean yeah we almost kissed but I barley know this guy, how was he effecting me like this?

"Sorry about what happened earlier.." he says shyly. I give him a confused look..

"Why are you sorry? It was my phone that went off, so we couldn't... y'know..." I blush

"I know but I just feel like I kind of pressured you, like I didn't give you much time to think and you might not have wanted me to be your first kiss as all..." he looks down after his small speech.
I did not expect that..

"That's really sweet, but you didn't pressure me at all and," should I say it. Fuck it.
"I really wanted you to be my first kiss..."I say so quietly that he may not even have heard it.
But by the way his head snapped up to look at me, he definitely did. He stares at me, trying to hide his smile and I look down embarrassed.

I hear him get up and walk in front of me, reaching his hand out for me to take. I accept his out stretched hand and he pulls me up to face him.

"So you wouldn't mind if I... kissed you right now?" He smiles

"Not at all, I think I would enjoy it actually," I blush again and he laughs.

"But.." I say as he puts his hands on my waist which he removes immediately.
"I'm still kinda scared because I don't know...how exactly to... kiss" I say awkwardly looking down.

'"Look," he says quietly, making me look up "there's nothing to worry about, I'll help you" he smiles and let's out a small laugh.

"Okay then," I laugh with him. Again he places his hands on either side of my waist and pulls me closer to him. One hand takes mine and puts it on his shoulder, so I put my other hand on his other shoulder. He leans into me, reaching his forehead on my own and brushing his nose against mine, I get shivers as he does so.
I let out a shakey breath, I'm so nervous!
He stays there for a minute before he leans in more but still not connecting our lips. I can feel his breath on mine and his hands tighten on my waist to pull me closer. Then his lips press against mines ever so slightly, and butterflies erupt in my stomach. He starts moving his lips against mines and surprisingly I do the same, I guess I just know what do to without thinking about it. When I start kissing back, he wraps his arms around me, holding me tightly.
After a few minutes we're both out of breath, he pulls away and rests his forehead on mines once again, looking into my eyes and smiling.

"So, how was it?" He asks me, still smiling.

I can't help myself when a huge grin spreads across my face
"It was great," I say looking away. .
He gives my lips another small kiss.

"I'm glad.."

I don't know how long we stayed in that position just looking into each others eyes, him occasionally giving me small pecks on my lips.

"It really like you, which I know is crazy because we only met today but-" He whispers, out of nowhere...

I blush for maybe the thousandth time today as he is speaking and I cut him off "-I really like you too."

"Seriously?" He says happily

"Yup" I reply, grinning and he smiles back.

"As much as I want to stay here forever with you.. We should probably head back.." he smiles sadly.
I hadn't even noticed it had gotten dark while we we're standing in the park.

"I guess we should" I say sliding my hands off his shoulders as he loosens his grip on a waist.

We separate and he slips his hand into mine as we start walking out of the park.
We eventually come towards the path between our two houses in comfortable silence.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" I ask

"Most definitely," he grins. "Goodnight (Y/N)" he let's go of my hand and kisses my cheek then pulls me into a hug.

"Goodnight" I sigh happily.

We pull apart and make our way to each of out doors. Derek looks over at me as I'm about to go in and smile back at him for the last time tonight.

I make my way inside and up to my room, still smiling from tonight's events. Who would've thought that that random guy sitting on my couch today would end up being my first kiss? But I'm so happy with how today panned out.




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