Alex Gaskarth ~ A Daydream Away

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Alex's POV

It was just 2 hours ago she was crying on my shoulder because of her dick head of a, now ex boyfriend, had dumped her.
I'm not gonna lie... she was a mess, called me up crying and she was barley understandable but it didn't matter I was already on my way over as soon as I heard she was upset.

Let me explain a bit more. (Y/N) is my best friend I've always had feelings for but could never admit them to her. (How cliché, I know)

It's a Tuesday afternoon and we're in a fit of laughter, sitting on her Kitchen floor after a failed attempt at making brownies.
I didn't have a care in the world apart from being with her in this moment and it didn't matter when we got back to doing what we had to do in our lives. Because I could spend forever with here as long as she's by my side.

I wonder if it would be a good time to tell her how I feel but, what would I say? I wouldn't know what I would say or do if I had her. Of course I've pictured us together as a couple but I've never figured out the words I would speak.

Eventually we get up from the floor and begin to tidy the place up because it was pretty messy. In that time my mind wonders to memories of times we spent together.
We would go out with my band to party's on the weekend to get away from the stress of the week. We'd laugh at all the drunk guys chasing their girlfriends who were obviously pissed at them for something they'd done while they were drunk.
Most of the time I'd drink to much and would have to get a ride off of (Y/N) to my place, and everytime I'd ask her to stay with me again and offer her one of my shirts to sleep in. I loved those weekends. They started happening less and less when she got a boyfriend, she would make an effort to hang out with me but it wasn't the same.

By now we had finished clearing up and decided to watch a movie, I let her pick because she was still pretty upset. Although I didn't pay much attention to it, still debating in my mind whether or not I should tell her.
Every now and then I glance over at her, she's usually so happy but she was trying her hardest not to cry again.
Noticing this I pull her into my arms and give her a kiss on top of her head.

"Thank you" She whispers

I respond by hugging her tighter.
We wouldn't stand a chance just now, I know that if I were to tell her right now, everything would be ruined.
Now is not the right time.
And as I said, I wouldn't know what to say if I had her. So for now, I'll just look on from a safe place, so I'll never loose an amazing friend like her.

She falls asleep after an hour. I get up carefully, move her onto the pile of pillows I was leaning on and put a blanket over her and make my way to her office.
I sit down at her desk and start writing a new song. The first thing that comes to mind?

"You're just a daydream away, I wouldn't know what to say if I had you..."

Hey! This was a little different but I honestly love this imagine so much so thanks for reading and again request anything! :)

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