Derek DiScanio ~ Who are you? ((Part One))

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It was a normal Saturday, nothing planned, no where to go. So I decided just to relax for once as I've had a pretty hectic week at school. With an essay, an assignment and a presentation to do I just wanted to be by myself.

I was still sitting in my room listening to music when about 10 minutes ago I heard my mum talking so someone
I thought nothing of it, it was probably one of her fiends or something like that.
I made my way downstairs to get some food as it was around 1ish, I was about to enter the kitchen to find a boy around my age sitting on the couch.
I looked at him and he hadn't seemed to see me yet.

"Who are you and why are you in my house?" I said to him, startling him slightly and making him jump up from his seat.

"I-uh, I'm yo- well see-" he stuttered as I stared at him trying to explain himself. While he was doing so I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. With a band top, flannel shirt, a snapback and skinny jeans on... staring at me.

"So?" I look straight at him.

He straightens out his flannel and holds his hand out; "I'm Derek, your new neighbour. Your mum invited me in when I came round to introduce my self and my family."

"Oh..." I say bluntly, ignoring his outstretched hand. "where is she?"

"She went outside to take a phone call and told me to wait here... uh I should probably go. Um bye nice meeting you.. " he trails off still looking slightly startled.
I don't even get a chance to say anything more before he runs out the door slamming it shut. Well then. I guess now my mum will just let random guys into the house without even mentioning it to me.

I shrugged my shoulders and made my way into the kitchen to start making something to eat like I was going to when my mum walked in.

"Where did Derek go?" She asked me

"I don't know and why was that guy in our house anyway?" I said still making food not looking at her.

"He's our new neighbour! Go and apologise to him and introduce yourself properly."

"How do you know I did anything wrong? It's not me who was the stranger in someone's house and anyways he ran out I didn't tell him so get out or anything." I said finally looking at her.

"Because it's you and that doesn't matter. Now go over and say you're sorry. They're house is the next one down and ask if they need help unpacking." She said sternly.

I didn't say anything and just walked out because I couldn't be bothered arguing any longer. I walked over to this guys house and knocked on the door and he answered.

"Um hi? I got told to come over and apologise for... making you leave? I'm not even sure what I need to apologise for but sorry. Why'd you run out anyway?" I say before he gets a chance to say anything.

"Uh, I dunno I was just panicked because you started asking me all these questions and I'm new and stuff I guess.."he replies looking down shyly.
Okay now I felt kinda bad,he seems like a nice guy

"Oh well I'm sorry, I just didn't expect to walk down and see an attractive guy in my living room" I say laughing. Wait shit. Did I just say he was attractive to his face?

"You think I'm attractive?" He says smirking at me.
Ah fuck how am I getting out of this one.

"Well i- um- I didn't mean t- i- ugh" I stutter after throwing my face into my hands

"Look who's stuttering now!" He says laughing referring to earlier today

I laugh with him. "So do you need any help unpacking? I'm (Y/N) by the way"

"Well (Y/N) I could use some help, Thank you." He says moving aside to let you in.

I walk in and look around the house, it was similar to mines only the opposite way about and with boxes everywhere. I turn round to find him staring at me.

"What?" I ask him, snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, nothing. Um so could you help me unpack stuff in my room?" Derek asks.

"Of course, just lead the way" I smile at him "Where are your parents anyway?" I say as we walk up the stairs.

"They're still back at the old house getting some bigger stuff to bring here... They won't be back for a while. I hope that's okay?" " replies looking back at me.

"Yeah it's fine." I say as we reach his room, "Hey! Your room is right across from my room, we'll be able to see each other all the time which could be a good or a bad thing" I laugh as Derek starts unpacking a box.

"That's cool, nice room." He says smiling and looking out the window.

After about 4 hours, all of his boxes were pretty much unpacked and his room looked great. The bed was set up and we had just finished putting clean sheets in it and now we were just sitting asking each other questions. I'm getting more and more attracted to him as the questions go on and getting to know him better, he's a really sweet guy.

" Do you play any instruments?" Derek asks me.

"Yeah, I play the ukulele and sing... I can also play some piano."

"Sing for me!" He shouts

"Wha- no way!"

"Hhmm fine... I'll hear you sing one day.." he gives my a sly look. "Okay your turn?"

"Um, first kiss?" I ask

"It was a couple of years ago with some girl named Hayley. What about you?" I blushed and looked down embarrassed

"Well, the thing is... I've never actually, um kissed anyone?" I say more as a question than a statement. "I don't realy know... how.."

"Really?" He says kind of taken off guard. "I would've thought a pretty girl like you would have.." he trails of with a small smile and a look as if he'd just gotten an idea.

"Today's your lucky day!" He gets up from the bed and motions me to stand up with him.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Um well, if you don't mind..." he puts both hands on my waist and pulls me into him slightly "I'd like to be your fist kiss" he states rather confidently.

"Oh, um, thank you? But as I said before I don't know how to..." I look down embarrassed even further.
Then I feel him pull me closer and one of his hands come up to my chin, making me look at him.

"So can I?" He says with a soft, quiet voice.

I pause and think about this, I mean I'd only met this guy today? It's it weird? Obviously I'm attracted to him but is he just going to kiss me then never think anything of it? What if-

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a kiss on my cheek, I blush and look up at him as he raises an eyebrow.


Sorry! I'm making this a two part thing bc it's so long omfg but I hope you like it!

((Requests are open))

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