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1. John Ranch: He's an expert in surviving in dense forests against a large number of enemies due to his experiences in the Vietnam War. He is also an expert in guerrilla tactics, weapons, and hand-to-hand combat. Rambo has black hair and brown eyes. His height is 5'10" (1.78 m).

2. Maria Beltran: Maria was a close friend of John Ranch and his father Reevis Ranch. She has worked on Ranch's father's farm all her life in Bowie, Arizona, and is considered something of a sister-figure to John. After John arrived from Burma she worked for him and lived together with her granddaughter Ellie Beltran.

3. Ellie Beltran: She's is teenage girl who just started her college life. She is the granddaughter of Maria, and she made some friends at college. Ellie respects her uncle very much and she's finding someone.


The NWS has upgraded Storm Telmar to a Category 2. Heavy rain and wind speeds of up to 130 km/h are to be expected. This is Desert Eagle; still no visual on the three missing hikers.

"Bravo, Charlie, please confirm CIS with rescue ops."

Rescue Team One: Our dogs are negative on the hikers, but it's getting worse down here.

Storm is speeding up.
"Desert Eagle, what's the status up there?"

Choppers are searching the entire area down there. A flood could occur at any time; we're going to get your guys off the mountain. Over!

"All teams to higher ground. Big fall of water coming."

A strange man, dressed like a local "cowboy," has been spotted on a horse, going downhill in this terrible storm.

Rescue ops: Retreat or seek shelter.

"What's that old volunteer on horseback? He's not on radio."

Choppers can't able to handle the storm. Water speeds up.

"Too much turbulence. We're back here."

The man found one hiker lying unconscious, or possibly dead, under a tree. He dismounted from his horse to check on him. Without wasting any time searching for the others in the darkness, he encountered two hikers hiding under a tree, crying for help.

"Hey, Hey, Hey"

"Over here"

"Help us"

Man sees them screaming for help. Water is coming.

"There is a lot of water coming"

"I'm here with my wife, have you seen my wife?"

Actually, a family came on a hiking trip, and all of a sudden, heavy rain caused them to end up in this situation.

Man, repeatedly told them to get out of here with him.

"Get on. Come on!"

The father kept saying, "You got us, and she could be right down there." The man told him, "She's gone; I found her down the river." The father's daughter shouted at him to get out of there, but he was determined to find her. He started running towards her, and suddenly the stem of a tree fell on his neck, causing decapitation. His head separated from his body, and the daughter screamed loudly. The man dismounted her from the horse and first secured his horse by tying it to a thick tree. Then he tied himself and the girl to a big rock for safety.

"Hold tight as you can"

"Are we gonna die?"

The water approached them rapidly. The horse tried to break free from the rope and run. The girl held onto the man tightly as they took cover behind the big rock.

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