Ghosts of the past | 7 ❥

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content warning, talk of drug addiction

Siobhan rose as early as the sun did, the columns of light that peaked through the curtains awakening her as they danced over the thin skin of her eyelids.

She spent the morning on a phone call with a solicitor (recommended by Autumn and Reece) to discuss the next steps she should take to file for a restraining order and divorce.
Vivian helped her to apply for an injunction, which was fairly simple, however filling in the online forms for the divorce was more difficult, they'd need a copy of her and Roger's marriage certificate, which was of course at Roger's house.

It had just hit 2 o'clock as they drove over to where Siobhan had once called her home, and Siobhan was tapping her fingers nervously against the dashboard.
Once they arrived, Vivian pulled open the tin blue boot of her car and pulled out several large carrier bags, they'd decided that since they were there anyway, they may as well pick up Siobhan's things so that she could properly move in with Vivian.

Siobhan's hands shakily unlocked the door, her chest pounding rapidly as she entered the house. Her heart dropped like a stone in water as she stepped into the dining room, reliving the terrible moment that Roger shoved her into the corner of the table, the haunting memory still fresh in her mind.
"Stay with me, darling." Vivian told her as she noticed her stood frozen in fear, her aqua eyes wide like she was a deer in headlights, and her pupils pinpricked from the opioid she'd been prescribed.
"You're okay, you're with me and he'll never hurt you again, I promise." She spoke calmly, holding Siobhan's trembling hands gently in her own to prevent her from creating anymore wounds from stress picking.
Siobhan gripped her hands tightly, her pointed nails creating crescent shaped imprints on Vivian's palms.
"Breathe with me, we'll count down from 10 again." Viv said reassuringly.

A few minutes passed before Siobhan calmed down, and gratefully thanked Vivian.
She headed upstairs with the carrier bags and began to hastily toss in any of her possessions that were in sight, until she stopped suddenly as she saw her phone seated before her on her vanity, its rose gold metal shining in the sunlight that leaked through the window.
She gulped nervously and powered it on, quickly becoming overwhelmed with the hundreds of notifications that flooded her lock screen.

Wednesday, 10.29AM, 9 new voicemails.
Wednesday, 10.41AM, 14 new missed calls.
Wednesday, 11.07AM, 21 new messages.
Wednesday, 11.26AM, 3 new missed calls.
Wednesday, 11.53AM, 18 new messages.

The list continued.
Siobhan anxiously unlocked her phone, the blood draining from her face as she read the most recent message.

"I'm on the next flight home. You better be in when I get back." Sent at 12.35PM.

The phone clattered to the floor, and shivers of terror jolted down Siobhan's spine.
Her eyes searched the bedroom for the digital clock resting on the night stand, it was 14.42PM.
She opened her mouth to cry out for Vivian, but not a sound came out. She yet again felt like she was being violently strangled, no air in her lungs for her to scream with.
Before she even had a chance to ground herself, a sudden force of terror overcame her body, and she sprinted down the marble white stairs to reach Viv.

"We need to go. Now. Roger will be here soon, and I can't see him again, I can't!" She screeched, panic coursing through her veins.
Fear washed over Vivian's face as she took in Siobhan's worried words. She knew how dangerous Roger was, and now she wasn't only afraid for Siobhan's safety, she was also frightened for her own.
"Okay, okay," Viv chocked anxiously, "I'll start the car and call Marjorie, grab your bags and the marriage certificate and we'll head off!"
A few moments later and Siobhan was hurriedly throwing her bags in the boot of the car, and clambering wildly into the passenger seat beside Vivian.

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