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"WHO SAID THIS TO YOU?" A voice spoke from behind and all looked behind and Jimin looked in front of him

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"WHO SAID THIS TO YOU?" A voice spoke from behind and all looked behind and Jimin looked in front of him. A smile formed on Jimin's face looking at the person who was none other than Jungkook. 
"Aishh.." Hansoon said under his breath.
"Remove your hand on him" Jungkook ordered looking at Hansoon. Jungkook could only see Hansoon and his friends eyes as they were wearing a black cap. Hansoon looked at his friends and nodded their heads. Hansoon stepped back and Jimin promptly ran towards Jungkook.
"Are you alright!" Jungkook asked and Jimin nodded. Jungkook stood in front of Jimin and looked at those gangsters.
"Aren't you the one who hit my cars window that day!" Jungkook asked looking at Hansoon. Hansoon didn't reply was only looking at Jungkook. Jungkook came near Hansoon.
"Show your face please" Jungkook said but hansoon stepped back. Before Jungkook could say anything one of Hansoon's friend came and was about to hit Jungkook from behind with the hockey stick but Jimin screamed "JUNGKOOK!"and Jungkook held the hockey stick promptly. Jungkook looked behind and then looked at that boy in firey eyes.
Jungkook kicked the boy and the hockey stick fell from his hand. Jungkook took the hockey stick and started beating each of them except Hansoon who was thinking hard what should he do!  Jungkook beat Hansoon's friends badly,he kicked and punched on their face. They almost were trying to run away but Jungkook didn't let them go. Jimin was standing beside the car and was watching these all with his wide opened eyes. Hansoon noticed Jimin and saw Jungkook was busy with beating his friends. Hansoon put his hand in his pocket and took a knife 🔪. He then started walking towards Jimin. He was about to attack Jimin but Jimin again screamed loudly seeing Hansoon but Jungkook hit on Hansoon's back exactly on that time and Hansoon couldn't attack Jimin. Jimin's heart was quacking in fear. He looked at Jungkook and then looked at Hansoon who just fall on the ground.
Jungkook held Hansoon's neck from behind and threw away his cap.
" goo" Hansoon said and was trying to remove Jungkook's hand from his neck.
"Show me your face at first. Let me see who the hell are you sekkia!" Jungk said in a cold voice. Hansoon was still holding the knife and for escaping from the place he used the knife on Jungkook's arm,made a scratch with the knife.
"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin screamed hearing Jungkook's groan. Jungkook started bleeding but he still didn't let Hansoon go. Hansoon then hit on Jungkook's abdomen with his elbow and Jungkook stepped back removed his hands. Hansoon smirk and ran away from the place at once.
"Jungkook!" Jimin ran towards Jungkook and held him.
" arm.."
"It's ok it's nothing serious. I just got scratch." Jungkook said keeping his one hand on his left arm.
"You are bleeding" Jimin said in a shaky voice.
"I'm alright. I need to go and catch them." Jungkook said and was about to run but Jimin held his hand and stopped him
"Stop it Jungkook" Jimin said  loudly.
"But Jiminssi..I need to go,we can't let them go like this"
"I said no need to go,we know it very well they will come again. So catch them later. Now it's important to put bandage in your arm. Come with me.." Jimin said and held Jungkook's hand. He then dragged Jungkook with him inside the car. Jimin sat down on the driving seat and Jungkook sat down beside him. Jimin took a white handkerchief from his bag and then looked at Jungkook who was already looking at Jimin.
"Take off your suit." Jimin said.
"It's ok I don't -
"I said take off your suit" Jimin again said and Jungkook took out his suit. Jimin bind the handkerchief around Jungkook's arm so that the blood couldn't flow down too much.
"Let's go to the pharmacy for the first aid" Jimin said and Jungkook nodded. Jimin started the car's engine and left the place. He was looking for a nearest pharmacy. And soon stopped his car in front of it. They got down from the car and went inside. One nurse was dressing Jungkook's arm while Jimin was sitting there and was looking at Jungkook.
"Because of me he fell in danger also" Jimin thought in his mind. He tightened his fists in anger and sighed. After few minutes Jungkook was done with the dressing. He then stood up and looked at Jimin.
"Let's go" Jungkook said and Jimin snapped out from his thoughts.He looked at Jungkook and stood up.
"Yeah let's go" Jimin said and walked towards the car. They both went inside and headed for their home.
Jungkook noticed Jimin was silent and disturbed.
"No need to be worry ..I'm alright" Jungkook said and cut the silence.
Jimin sighed .
"Just because of me this happened to you"
"It's's not a serious injury"
"But still it's an injury"
"It's not your fault. You didn't know that they will attack me."
"You save me but got injured"
Jungkook looked at Jimin.
"But I'm fine."
"I hate it. I hate when I see people is suffering just because of me"
"No one is suffering because of you. You are in danger and people is trying to save you. It's nothing your fault,why are you blaming yourself!"
"Cause it's the truth. You fall in danger because of me. You know what for this reason I don't keep any bodyguards with me. I value their lives also. I don't want people to fall dangers and suffer because of me." Jimin said in a serious voice. They were almost in a debate and in the middle of the debate Jungkook without thinking twice said-
"It's alright why are you worrying that much about me! I'm just your bodyguard and nothing else" Jungkook said and Jimin looked at him.  Jimin didn't know why this words of Jungkook hurted him.
Jungkook was also looking at Jimin and he promptly looked through the window. Jungkook closed his eyes in guilt. Jimin nodded his head.
"Oh..yeah..I..I.. understood " Jimin said blankly. Jungkook bite his lower lip.
"Shit" he cursed under his breath. Soon Jimin stopped the car in front of their home. Jimin got down fromt  the car before Jungkook. Jungkook also got down from the car and started walking behind Jimin .
"Jimi.." Jungkook  called but Jimin without saying and looking at Jungkook went inside his room and locked the door. Jimin threw his bag and took off his clothes. He went inside the shower room and opened the shower. The cold water was falling on his head. Jimin closed his eyes and started sobbing.
"Wae...wae I care so much!"
"I hate my life"
"I hate everything " Jimin Said these all while sobbing hard.
Jungkook also took shower and came out from his room for the lunch. He looked at Jimin's room and sighed.
"I shouldn't have said such thing to him" Jungkook said under his breath for the 10th times now. Jungkook somehow made lunch for both of them. But Jimin didn't come out from his room. Jungkook didn't went inside his room,he sat down on the couch and was waiting for Jimin. Jungkook fall asleep on the couch. At 6pm evening Jungkook woke up and looked around. He then looked at Jimin's room again. Jungkook went towards the door and held the door's knob,he twisted it but the door didn't open.
"Jiminssi?" Jungkook called. Jimin who was laying on the bed looked at door but didn't replied anything to Jungkook.
"Jiminssi..come out..I need to talk with you" Jungkook again said but Jimin just ignored it. When Jimin was not opening the door Jungkook sighed and then again say down on the couch.
At 11 ...Jimin came out from his room. He saw Jungkook sitting on the couch and was looking at his phone. Jungkook looked at Jimin and promptly stood up.Jimin was hungry but he didn't feel like eating. Jimin went towards the refrigerator and took some water bottles. He then drank some water and was again about to went inside.
"Jiminssi..your dinner"
"I'm not hungry" Jimin said and went inside the room again and locked the door.
"Jiminssi wait..wait.. listen to me" Jungkook said almost banging on the door.
"Jiminssi please listen to me"
"It's alright. I'm not angry on you. Don't worry" Jimin said and Jungkook sighed. Jimin then turned off the lights and laid down on the bed. He took his phone and started calling his dad.
"Yeah Jimini?"
"Can you give me another car ?"
"Yes,as you already know my previous car burnt ,and I feel like I need another one. I don't need a brand new one,you can give me old car also"
"Alright my child. I will send a car ,no,a new car for my Jimini,by tomorrow "
"Thanks dad "
Jimin said and smiled softly and cut the call. Jimin was about to keep his phone but he received a message from Jungkook.
Mr. Jeon
At what time you will go to varsity tomorrow?
Jimin read the message and sighed. He kept the phone and didn't replied to Jungkook's message.
Morning 7:30 am
Jimin woke up and got ready for the varsity. He came out from his room and left the home. He decided to take his breakfast at the varsity. Jimin saw a black car in front of his house. He walked towards the car and driver greeted Jimin.
"Here is the key sir"
"Thanks a lot" Jimin said.
"Shall I drive the car for you?"
"No it's ok..I will drive it. You can go now"
"Alright sir" the driver said and left the place. Jimin went inside the car and headed for his varsity. At 8am Jungkook woke hearing the alarm. Jimin has classes at this time so Jungkook gave an alarm. But he didn't know that Jimin left the house early today. Jungkook came out from his room and saw Jimin's room's door was opened. Jungkook ran inside the room but didn't see Jimin.
"Jimin?" Jungkook called and then he went towards the shower room. The door was opened and no one was inside the shower room. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat when he didn't find Jimin anywhere in the house. Jungkook started calling Jimin but he didn't pick up.
"Darn it.." Jungkook said and promptly changed his clothes then left the house. He saw his car in the parking area.
"He didn't take my car!" Jungkook said and promptly went inside the car. He then headed for the varsity.
Soon Jungkook arrived at Jimin's varsity. He got down from the car and was about to go inside the varsity but the guard stopped him
"Sir ,you can't go inside"
"It's an emergency..I need to check if Jimin is here or not?!"
"Jimin? You mean Park Jimin?" One of the guard said who admire Jimin a lot almost like his father.
"Yes yes park Jimin" Jungkook said desperately.
"Yeah he is present today. I saw him coming inside with a new car"
"New car!"
"Yeah. By the way who are you?"
"I..I..I'm his friend"
"Owh..but I feel like I saw you before " the guard said and was trying to remember when he saw Jungkook.
"Thanks for the information " Jungkook said and felt relieved inside. He was then waiting in front of the varsity for Jimin.
Jimin didn't talk a lot with his friends today. Even during the break time he took his lunch silently. Usually Jimin talk and laugh with his friends a lot. But today his friends could say Jimin was in a bad mood. At 1pm when the classes were ended Jimin came out from the varsity. Jungkook saw Jimin walking towards the parking area. Jungkook promptly ran towards Jimin and stood in front of him.
"What's this all?" Jungkook asked and Jimin looked at him.
"You literally left the house without informing me!"
"Your hand is bandaged, thast why I didn't disturbed you for driving"
Really! You know it very well,I told you not to go anywhere without informing me! You forgot it!"
"I didn't "
"Then? You know how tensed I was when I didn't find you at home" Jungkook said in a serious voice and Jimin looked at him.
"No need to worry for me that much, after all,I'm a stranger to you at the end of the day. You are just working under my dad's order. "
Jungkook sighed hearing this.
"It's a serious are my responsibility now. I have to protect you in any cost. So stop acting silly "
"I'm not acting. I'm just saying not to worry that much for me. I just came to my varsity didn't run away." Jimin said and Jungkook's anger reached in its peak.
"I should be worried because if something happens to you the president will blame me and give punishments for my deeds which I don't want at all,arasso!" Jungkook said and Jimin was looking at Jungkook blankly. His heart again ached badly hearing this from Jungkook. Jimin's eyes became teary in a second. While Jungkook again realized he hurted Jimin with his words again.
"Arasso. Alright. I will tell my dad,even if something happens to me, you will not be responsible for that. I will tell him not to give any kind of punishments to you. And dad will listen to me I know it. So live your life freely not in forcefully." Jimin said and went inside his car. He wipes his tears and left the place
"Jiminssi!" Jungkook called but Jimin already left the place.
"Fuck it..what's wrong with you Jungkook " Jungkook said to himself and went inside his car, he then left the place in hurry and started following Jimin. They both didn't notice another car was also following them behind which was none other than Hansoon's car.

See you in next part 💜💛

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