Chpt 23

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Chloe's pov

When I woke up I felt like I was being squished by two bricks so i stretched my way out of their hold but as soon as I stood up I felt my stomach tighten and my mouth water making me run to the bathroom attached to the room and squat down to throw up

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When I woke up I felt like I was being squished by two bricks so i stretched my way out of their hold but as soon as I stood up I felt my stomach tighten and my mouth water making me run to the bathroom attached to the room and squat down to throw up.

When I finished emptying my stomach I laid back on the wall and panted before I saw the door open to reveal a sleepy min come in while rubbing his puffy eyes.

"What's wrong baby" he asked as he knelt down to my level " I don't know I just woke up and felt like I had to throw up" I said as I laid my head against the wall.

When I looked up I saw him come closer to me and hold his hands out so I grabbed them and tried my best to stand up but to my surprise he picked me up and walked to the towels before going to the sink to wet the towel.

" are you hot" he says as he places me on the counter before putting the towel on my head.

"No I'm fine" I say as I swat hi hand away and tilt my head making him look at me confused.

I know I was supposed to be forgiving them but I couldn't fight back the thought that they were hiding something from me.

"I'm gonna take a shower now" I say as I hop off the counter and guide him to the door.

"I love you Chloe" he says before he walks out.

Minjuns pov
When I walked out of the bathroom I saw dae sitting on the other side of Eid the bed ruffling his fingers through his hair before he looked back at me making me wave my hand to tell him to follow me.

Once I saw he got up I made my way to the basement because I knew it was she wouldn't be able to hear us.

"Why the fuck are me down here Minjun, it's 7 in the morning" dae asked making me role my eyes.

"Chloe is pregnant" I said making his eyes go wide "what do you mean she's pregnant didn't the doctor say she wasn't"

"You really believed that, come on dae you've known me for too long" I say with a smirk but he reacts in a way I didn't think he would.

"Are you stupid min, what do you think she'll do when she finds out, she'll leave us, she'll leave me"

"Calm down do you think I would do all this with no plan" I said with a sigh " do you remember the day she moved in?that day I felt like I saw an angel my angel I felt like I had to have her"

The day she moved in
"Son l think it's time you and daehyun take over the company" my dad said out of no where, as we drove to the apartment building he owned.

"No" I said before looking back out the window "our business our doing just fine it'd be a shame if we took yours too" dae said sarcastically making our dad sigh and sit back into his seat before we arrived.

When we got out of the car I notched a white moving van.

When I looked closer I saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her braids flew in the wind as the air moved past her making me be able to see every part of her face.

"Let's go Minjun" I heard daehyun say before grabbing me shoulder and taking me with him but I kept 👀 my back at her. I wanted to her to be mine and only mine.

"So let me get this straight you only agreed to take over the company and move in that building because you wanted her" dae asked making me nod.

After that day I couldn't get her out of my head so everyday I'd go over to her apartment just to see her until one day I saw her badge. The same badge every employee of the place my dad owned had.

When I saw that I called my dae and told him I'd take over the company with him.

"Ok and how is this gonna stop her from leaving"

" oh yeah I forgot, when we started working there I made her "reapply" and sign a few things" I said with a smirk making dae give me a confused look "the paper she signed was a contract stating that if either one of us were to get her pregnant she would have to marry us but she wouldn't know that because that part was in Korean" I said with a smile as I thought about how good she'd look in a wedding dress.

"Min were you being for real, do you know how crazy that sounds" he said making me chuckle.

"You know, I'm tired of this little act you put on, if Chloe were tell you she wanted nothing to do with her do you think you'd let her leave." I said with my hand on my chin.

"Yes because I respect her and I love her to much to see her suffer" when he got done talking I bursted into laughter.

"Oh wow I could've sworn you were the same man who set up cameras in her house because you respected her sooo much, the same man who agreed to lie about this whole trip and then get scared because you don't want to see her suffer, how heart warming" I said as I place my hand on my heart.

But out of no where  was shoved against the wall with dae right in front of me.

"Thats in the past" he gritted as he held tightly onto my shirt.

" sure hyung" i said teasingly making him roughly release me causing me to fall on the ground as he stomped back up stairs.

Chloe's pov
I was currently in the kitchen making myself some pancakes because I didn't know where min and dae went.

As I cooked I was playing normal girl making me sway to the music until I felt two hands slither onto my waist making me freeze up before tiring around to see dae.

" don't do that shit again you scared me" I said playfully but he was just staring at me with a unreadable expression until his hands moved up to my face.

" I love you Chloe no matter what"


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