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A lump formed in her throat as she locked eyes with Vivian. It was obvious to the blonde that Roger knew who she had been meeting with, he always knew, he just wanted her to say it. He wanted to watch the hope drain from her eyes as she realised that her one friend would soon be ripped so viciously from her life. 

"Hello can I help you two?" she walked over to the pair acting as if she had never seen or heard of either of them in her entire life. She hadn't the faintest idea that Roger knew about how, she didn't know how much danger she was truly in.

"Hello there. My girlfriend tripped down the stairs and fell flat on her face. We wanted to check in on her nose because it isn't looking to good." his voice seeming innocent and sweet, he placed an arm around the blonde waist, pulling her closer to him.

Vivian knew instantly that he was lying through her teeth, she could see straight through him. After everything that Siobhan had confided in her, she had complete reason to believe that he did this to her. It took every ounce of her strength to not punch him where he stood but that wouldn't benefit Siobhan or her job.

"Oh okay I'll get you checked out come with me" just her presence alone had soothed the blonde almost entirely, it was as if a safety blanket had been placed over her that Roger could not penetrate. With a nod from the pair, Vivian led them both into a room to check out Siobhan's nose and hopefully get a moment alone with her to find out what had truly happened that day. By the time both of them arrived, Vivian had only really just started her shift.

After all three of them had entered the room, Roger pulled Vivian aside asking her for a chat. Alarm bells sounded in her mind but she wasn't going to let him know that she was afraid, there was no way she was going to give him the satisfaction. Hesitantly she agreed, the curiosity overtaking her mind. Surely he wouldn't do anything to her in a building full of people who would easily notice if something was wrong. She felt her heart shatter for a moment as she watched Siobhan's entire face drop in panic when Roger had pulled her aside. She nodded in her direction and smiled to let know know it was okay, to reassure her that she would be fine.

Vivian was a strong woman physically and mentally. After she had finally escaped her ex wife she had promised herself that she would never let anybody overpower her like that again. Nobody would treat her as she once had. It had taken her months to build back up her self confidence, to eradicate the fear that overcame her ever time she stepped out of her house. Ever since she had left she had frequently attended the gym in order to build her strength. She frequently had nightmares of the way she would cower under her ex wife not having the strength to fight back, she never wanted to go back there. She would not let Roger see how scared she was.

She followed the older man out of the door as he dragged her into a storage room opposite the room, slamming the door shut behind him. She could practically see the smoke pouring out of his ears in anger.

"So you're the bitch that's been keeping my girlfriend away from me." his voice oozed with malice, Vivian trying her hardest not to flinch away.

"Maybe if her company was a bit better she wouldn't be away from them as much" she lifted her head up to look at him as he towered over her. She was a tall woman, standing at 5'10 but Roger was much much taller.

"I wouldn't sass me Vivian Lee Cross. You may think you know a lot about me but I assure I know much more about you. How is Jamie by the way? Is he settling in well?" the mention of her sons name cause anger to rise in her chest.

"Keep my sons name out of your mouth you pathetic excuse for a man" she had tried her hardest not to let her anger get the best of her but it had bubbled over too much.

"Touch a nerve did I? Take that as your warning. Keep away from Siobhan do you understand me?" his threat imminent in his voice, he stared daggers down into her eyes.

She tilted her head to the side slowly, squinting her eyes as a grin grew on her face. She let out a mocking laugh, judgement plastered on her face.

"You don't scare me Roger but nice try." she went to leave to go and check on Siobhan before he grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. The surprise completely knocked the air from her lungs, instantly winding her. Her mind rushed back to the fights in which she would have with her ex wife, trying her hardest not to slip down that deep dark hole in which was her memories.

With one swift moment she lifted her leg up, smashing her knee into his crotch and pushing him away from her. She rushed out of the door, trying not to attract anyone's attention as she knew that would not benefit her situation.

The moment she walked back into the room, Siobhan's tensed body immediately relaxed as she let out a large sigh of relief. Her eyes wandered to her neck momentarily, noticing the faint handprint that seemed to be forming. How could she let this happen? Vivian was getting too close to the situation.

"Viv I-" that was all she could manage before she was swiftly interrupted by the woman before her.

"Bon. Im fine, I handled it you don't need to worry. Let's check on your nose then shall we? Looks likes a nasty break." after her interaction with Roger, all she wanted was to help Siobhan maybe even get her to talk.

She began examining her nose, cleaning up the blood that surrounded it as Roger walked back in after recovering from the blow he had received.

"I'm sorry sir but I think my patient would like some privacy so if you could wait in the waiting room that would be great. If you don't wish to leave voluntarily I can always arrange for you to be escorted out" she shot a look in his direction that told him he didn't have the power or control in this situation. The older man scowled before he stomped angrily out of the room yet again. "So what really happened to your nose then. You can tell me it is okay" she desperately wanted for Siobhan to open up to her about what had truly happened.

Everything in the blonde was screaming at her to tell her but after seeing the mark that Roger had left on her she refused to open up.

"Like Roger said. I tripped. There's nothing more to it. Now i'd appreciate if we could speed this along so I could go home" her cold, stern demeanour shining through as she tried desperately to push Vivian away. She heard the other woman let out a deep disappointed sigh as she squinted her eyes shut.

"Okay Siobhan." she hadn't meant it but her words had come out harshly and all she wished for was to to take it back.

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