Chapter 15 About her Home

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Back at Ramshackle Dorm, (Y/n) was bringing some blankets and pillows for everyone since they decided to have a sleepover in the Lounge. When she got back to the others, she noticed Kiki sitting on Deuce's shoulders as he stared at the baby raccoon in awe. "Oh right. Deuce, that's Kiki. She's staying with us here." (Y/n) smiled as she gave Deuce and Ace their pillows and blankets. Ace pulled out some cards he had with him. "How about we plan a game?" Everyone agreed with his idea. They decided to play old maid since that's the only game that's easy for Grim. As they were playing their game, they even got to know each other a bit. (Y/n) learned that Ace learned some magic tricks from his father while Deuce helped his mother with a bit of technology.

"Sounds like you all are pretty close with your family." (Y/n) smiled. "I guess I'm alright with my family." Ace shrugged. "I'm just happy to make my mom proud of me." Deuce smiled. Grim turns to (Y/n). "What about you, (Y/n)?" (Y/n) smiled as she pulled out her photo of herself with her family. "Those two, of course, are my parents. Those boys are my brothers, and the little girl is my sister."

Grim takes a look at the photo. "Ya know. You look very different from the rest of your family. Can't see any similarities." He blurted out. "Grim!" Deuce and Ace scolded. "That's alright." (Y/n) puts the photo away. "I've always known I was different from my family. Mother said I was a gift from the gods after she suffered a miscarriage before she had me. Then, she had my younger siblings. We are still a strong family." (Y/n) smiled sadly. "Wow, that's rough." Ace frowned. "I'm sorry to hear about that, (Y/n)." Deuce gave his condolences. (Y/n) then explained how her being different from any other child in Outworld or Earthrealm had made her feel bad about herself. A few children of nobility have bullied her for her ability to communicate with animals or how it took her a while to learn how to fight. Not a lot of people respect when she was little. But she soon gained the respect of both realms when she fought off a creature that had been terrorizing some villages in Outworld. "...and from battle, that's how I got my scars." (Y/n) lifted her shirt to show them her scars. "I was able to defeat the creature at age 13." (Y/n) told.

"NO WAY!!!" The boys and Grim exclaimed. "Yes, it may be hard to believe, but it's true." (Y/n) smiled. Kiki walked over and sat on (Y/n)'s lap. "What else could you tell us about your home?" Deuce asked. (Y/n) then told them everything about both Earthrealm and Outworld. She told them how Earthrealm is protected by her father, who was the god of fire, and happily to her mother, who shares the throne with her aunt. Her mother and aunt were the first in Outworld history to share their throne, as they both handled the responsibilities equally. She told them about the Lin Kuei, Shirai Ryu, Special Forces, the Shaolin, etc. They were a part of her father's champions and made sure their home was safe. Then there was Outworld, which had the Umgadi, Sun Do's police force, the Shokans, the Tarkatans, the Zeterran, Edenian, etc.

"So this Tarkat is a disease?" Ace asked. "It used to be, but now we found a vaccine that can help reduce the bloodlust and other side effects of it. It helped Aunt Mileena and Baraka very well. I could see a lot of the spikes and fangs slowly fading away from Baraka." (Y/n) explained. And those four armed people are called Shoe-Kuns?" Grim asked. "Shokans, Grim. And yes. Sheeva is actually one of them, and she's one of my strong female role models besides the woman in my family. I have a long list of female role models in both realms." (Y/n) smiled. "Just the way you have been explaining it, both worlds sound pretty cool." Ace said. "Still surprised to hear about your home. I've never heard about that stuff." Deuce was in awe. "Well, we are from different realms, but I'm happy to tell you more about them." (Y/n) smiled. "If there was a way to travel between our worlds, I'd be happy to show you Earthrealm and Outworld." She offered. "I'll take you up on that." Ace smirked. "I'd like that very much, (Y/n)." Deuce smiled. "As long as there's good food, then I'm coming along too!" Grim said. Kiki happily chittered as she went on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "You know, Kiki. I bet that Nova, Misty, Cyra, and Icy would love to meet you. They would welcome you as their little sister." (Y/n) pets Kiki as the baby raccoon nuzzles her cheek.

"Who are they?" Grim questioned. "Well, Icy is a frost dragon, Cyra is a bear, Misty is a TaiGore, and Nova is a wolf." (Y/n) replied. "They are what?!" The boys and Grim screamed. "Oh, relax, please. I raised them all since they were cubs, and they're perfectly tame. Besides, they're too spoiled to hunt. But I have trained them to defend our family and loved ones." (Y/n) explained. "I'm not sure if that's reassuring." Deuce muttered. "I don't even want to know what a TaiGore or a frost dragon is." Ace added. "I bet something scary." Grim's eyes turned white in fear. "Rest assured, once they get to know you, they are the sweetest animals. Plus, they are very protective when it comes to children, especially to my sister, Azura." (Y/n) smiled. She then lets out a yawn. "Why don't we rest up now? We can't oversleep for the unbirthday party."

Deuce nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you're right." Then, everyone set up their blankets and pillows and retired for the night. Deuce and Ace stayed up a bit as they saw Kiki and Grim snuggling up to (Y/n). The two boys smiled at her. They may think she's scary at times, but they soon liked her company very much. They fell asleep as they knew they would have to get ready for the unbirthday party. What they didn't know was that more problems would come their way in the morning.

Back in Outworld, Liu Kang and Kitana were in the throne room as they viewed a portrait of their family. They were mostly looking at their eldest daughter in the portrait. They just prayed that she was fine. Their allies were out, seeing if they could find any more clues about how to get her back home. The rest of their children came in as they hoped they heard anything about their missing sister, but still nothing. Azura walked over and hugged Kitana. "I miss big sister, Mama." Kitana hugged her youngest daughter. "I know, Azura. I miss her too."

"Maybe if someone didn't start a fight with her about Atara, then she wouldn't have been missing." Bolin crossed his arms. "You don't think I don't blame myself enough, Bolin?" Lijin glared at his brother. "You know that betroth of yours just likes to start trouble with (Y/n). She's been doing that to her ever since they were little!" Bolin pushed his older brother away from him.

"You don't think I know that?! I wanted to stop her from harming (Y/n), but I have a duty as the prince of Outworld. The elders of the court arranged our marriage, and there's nothing I can do!" Lijin yelled out.

"You did have a choice! You just chose to listen to those old fools. Not only did you lose Emerald, but thanks to you, our sister is gone!"

"Why you little-!"

"ENOUGH!!!" Liu Kang summons his fire to stop his sons from fighting any further. They faced him, but they turned their heads away. They didn't want him to see the hurt in their eyes. Liu Kang pulled his sons to embrace them. He knew they were both hurting, and they were taking it out on each other. The brothers soon had tears in their eyes. They just wanted their sister back home. Azura goes over to hug her brothers, she holds on tight, afraid of losing them, too. Bolin and Lijin hugged her back. Kitana placed her hand on her oldest son's shoulder. "Your aunt and I will speak to the court and see if we can annul your arranged marriage. I will not stand by to see my children unhappy." She smiled. Lijin smiled back. "Thank you, Mother."

"And make sure you patch things up with Emerald because Onyx keeps telling me she still loves you." Bolin smirked as his brother playfully punched his shoulder. (Y/n)'s family looked back at the portrait; they hoped the communication talisman would activate soon so they could see (Y/n) doing well. They just pray that she's well in the realm she has been summoned to.

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