CH.11 Five Gates

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4:00 P.M

Marching To Roxx Province,

Hydro Path.

Akira: (Marching with Khan and Rocks.) Got any plans on attacking the garrison, you two?

Khan: I was thinking we let the siege work do its job. If we can weaken the wall to breach it, we'll blob the area to push them back.

Rocks: I can move some troops to the weakest flank of the base to see if we can get over and support the frontal assault.

Akira: I'll send the artillery to the opposite side of the garrison to support fire on their rear.

Khan: What happens when they march out?

Akira: I'll lead the center with the artillery in the front with the Dragoons in the rear. Khan will position his troops to the right of my flank. With Khan infantry in the front and Calvery at the back but to the right. Rocks will be the rearguard supporting with arrow fire to pin them. When all the infantry are engaged in the battle, Khan will lead the Calvery around and attack the weakened garrison. Rock, will move around on the other side and hit them from the rear.

Rocks: Seem like you already had a plan.

Akira: It's good to get another opinion on the matter.

Rocks: Sounds good to me.

Khan: Let's hope it's the former.

Rocks: I'm leading to the ladder on this one.

Akira: With 57,000 troops and 15 Catapult marching to the northeast garrison. We have enough to siege and fight them if they sully out. We do need to remain vigilant about the SiM.

Khan: West is their next stop.

Rocks: So. We're heading west after taking the south.

Akira: Sounds like you want to join the campaign to the west, Rocks.

Rocks: Don't get any ideas, Akira. Fighting alongside you has shown its benefits.

Akira: You were going to be bored back at Flo.

Rocks: You don't know that. As I said, fighting with you did show its benefits. I want to see how far it takes you.

Khan: Yeah. Rocks would be bored when he got back to his Province, Akira.

Rocks: Just a little bit.

James: (Akira, Khan, and Rocks laugh. James, Rich, and Dave are marching to the southeast garrison.) Scouts reported that their two supply bases. One is in the southeast, and the other is in the southwest.

Dave: Our priority is the southeast garrison, taking the food supply from the base and holding it until the other fully captures the others.

Rich: Not all need to be occupied. Three out of five will be enough to assault the castle and force a surrender.

Dave: The two supply bases are beneficial to the castle. Taking them will cause their morale to drop quickly. We'll surround and block them from all garrisons.

James: That's if we take those supply bases. They will have the supply to hold out. We can go for a night attack and open the gates.

Dave: I'll take that mission. I'll get a small group, and we'll open the gates.

James: If you can open most of the gates in the garrison. It'll be enough for us to go in and occupy the base.

Rich: I'll move some of the troops to climb the walls where they're fewer troops supporting. Taking out any troops who try to sound the alarm.

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