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hi peeps:) 

Been working on this story and super excited to post it as I go along because its a little different than my other books but still include the same vibes yall like.(just less kidnapping lol)

Like my other book, I need to let you know in advance that this is not a demonstration of what relationships should look like and I am in no way romantising toxic relationships. here are my heads up:




I shall add more if necessary as i go along



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This moment seemed to freeze in time as I stood amidst the crowd, each second stretching into eternity. The room felt both unbearably loud and suffocatingly silent, the anticipation thick enough to choke on. My breath hitched as I squeezed my eyes shut, my lips pressed tightly together in a mixture of fear and hope. Was this it? Had I finally achieved the impossible—becoming the youngest woman to ever step into the office of the presidency?

I could feel every beat of my heart, the blood coursing through my veins, pulsing down to the very tips of my fingers. It was as if the world around me faded into a blur, the whispers and hushed conversations dissolving into a distant hum, drowned out by the pounding in my chest. The tension in the room was palpable, every eye fixed on me, waiting for my reaction.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the fog of my thoughts.

"Congratulations, Madam President."

The words pierced the air like a sharp blade, and my eyes flew open. My heart jolted, a shockwave rippling through me as I turned toward the source. It was my chief secretary, standing there with a broad smile. For a moment, I couldn't speak. My mouth felt dry, my throat constricted with a thousand unspoken emotions. I glanced around the room, catching the eyes of my team, my supporters—those who had believed in me when no one else did. I could hardly believe it. I did it. I fucking did it.

A surge of emotions welled up inside me—relief, joy, disbelief, all crashing together like waves against a rocky shore. Years of relentless dedication, of burning the midnight oil, of pushing myself beyond the limits of exhaustion until the early morning birds sang songs of my obsession—all of it had finally paid off. I felt a scream of joy bubbling up inside me, a primal urge to release all the tension that had built up over the years. But my voice was caught in my throat, locked in a state of shock and awe as I tried to process the reality of what had just happened.

I'm the President of the most powerful country in the world. The thought echoed in my mind, surreal and heavy. I was standing at the pinnacle of power, a place so few had ever reached, let alone someone like me. I looked down at my hands, almost expecting to see them trembling, but they were steady, strong—a reminder of the journey I had endured, the battles I had fought, both within and without.

As the room erupted into applause and cheers, I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the title settle onto my shoulders. But along with that weight came a rush of exhilaration. The doubt, the fear, the uncertainty, they were still there, lurking in the corners of my mind, but they were overshadowed by something stronger—a fierce, unyielding determination.

I have made it this far. Now, it was time to prove to the world—and to myself— that I was ready for the challenges ahead. That I was worthy of the trust placed in me. That I could lead this nation with the strength and vision it deserved.

With a smile breaking through the haze of disbelief, I nodded to my secretary, my voice finally finding its strength. "Thank you," I said, my tone steady, a quiet confidence taking root. "Thank you all."

The room erupted once more, and this time, I allowed myself to soak in the moment. The triumph. The victory. The beginning of a new era.

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