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"I'm going, Alec," Selene insisted, snatching her phone from the vast expanse of her desk.

"As your head of security, I can't allow you to go alone," Alec countered, his tone resolute as he folded his arms across his chest. His suit strained against his broad shoulders, his presence filling the expansive Presidential office.

Selene exhaled sharply, irritation flaring in her eyes as she circled the desk. Alec's footsteps echoed close behind her, but she refused to acknowledge his shadowing presence. Just as she reached the door, his hand shot out, pressing firmly against the wood, blocking her path.

"Alec," she said, her voice low and steely, "remove your hand from the door."

He didn't budge. "Either I come with you, or you're not going anywhere," he stated firmly, raising an eyebrow as if daring her to challenge him. His stance was unwavering, his eyes locked on hers, silently urging her to see reason.

"I'm going to my apartment—with a woman," Selene snapped, frustration lacing her voice. "Should I set up a chair for you, too, so you can watch?"

Alec's expression remained unfazed as he shook his head slightly. "Roxanne, right?" he guessed, a knowing chuckle escaping his lips. "You're going to see Roxanne?"

Selene sighed, her head dropping for a moment, acknowledging his disappointment. "Yes, Roxanne. And she'll be there in twenty minutes, so I need you to move your hand off the door. I'd like to get there before she does," she said, her tone edged with urgency.

Alec hesitated, his eyes narrowing as he studied her face. "You're doing it again," he said quietly, the accusation clear in his voice.

"I'm not!" Selene protested, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips, though the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes betrayed her.

Alec leaned back slightly, his eyes locking onto Selene's with a silent but firm resolve. "I'm coming with you," he countered calmly, "but I'll stay outside."

Selene exhaled sharply, feeling the weight of each passing second. She could sense his determination and knew he wouldn't back down. "Fine," she relented, her voice tight with frustration. "But I don't want to see or hear you. You're invisible to me."

With the reluctant agreement made, they slipped out of the Ivory Manor's back exit, weaving through the maze of staff and security with practiced ease. Alec opened the car door, and Selene slid into the back seat, the leather cool against her skin. Alec took his place in the driver's seat, and at her signal, the car roared to life, speeding away from the mansion. The clock read a chilly eight PM, the night still young but filled with possibility.

As they drove through the dark streets, Selene felt a mix of nerves and anticipation coursing through her veins, like adrenaline mixed with a dangerous cocktail of desire and defiance. She could feel the thrill settling in, intoxicating her more with each passing mile.

When they finally pulled up outside her apartment, Selene adjusted her cap low over her face, her hand lingering on the door handle. "Stay in the car," she ordered sharply, her voice cutting through the quiet. Without waiting for a response, she stepped out, slamming the door behind her with a decisive thud.

Selene locked the apartment door behind her with a decisive click, finally shutting out the world. She took a deep breath, savoring the rare moment of solitude. This was her sanctuary, the only place where she could shed the weight of her title and just be herself. The silence wrapped around her like a comforting embrace, a stark contrast to the constant barrage of voices and demands that filled her days.

She pulled her buzzing phone from her pocket, her gaze falling on the illuminated screen. Roxanne's message was waiting for her, a tantalizing reminder of what was to come. A small smile tugged at her lips as she typed out a quick reply, her fingers moving swiftly over the keys.

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