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Selene groaned as she sat up in bed, her muscles aching from the restless night. The sharp sunlight streaming through the window made her eyes sting, only amplifying the dull throb of a headache forming behind her temples. She clenched her jaw as she heard the familiar, sharp clicks of Alec's footsteps echoing against the marble floor.

But there was something else—a second set of footsteps, lighter and more measured, shadowing Alec's. Selene immediately noticed the difference. She knew Alec's stride as well as she knew her own—a soldier's walk, deliberate and brisk. These footsteps, however, were new, softer, hesitant. Selene could tell a lot from the way someone approached; every step was like a fingerprint, revealing something about the person's mood, confidence, and purpose. Whoever was following Alec was cautious, perhaps even nervous.

Her suspicions were confirmed when the door swung open. Alec strode in, followed by a woman in a pristine white coat, clutching a medical bag. Selene let out a dry, humorless chuckle as she slumped back against the pillows. "Really, Alec? A doctor?" she muttered under her breath.

"This is Dr. Gibson," Alec announced, his tone calm and professional as he settled into the armchair in the corner of the room, crossing one leg over the other with a practiced ease. "She's here to perform a drug test."

Dr. Gibson inclined her head respectfully. "Madam President," she greeted, her voice soft and careful, as if she was speaking to a volatile creature that might snap at any moment.

Selene blinked in disbelief, letting out a bitter laugh. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," she scoffed, her frustration evident as she leaned back on the bed, throwing an arm over her eyes to block out the light—and the absurdity of the situation.

Alec shifted slightly in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. His expression was impassive, but the tension in his posture was unmistakable. "Do you want to throw away your presidency this early on?" His voice was low, steady, but there was an edge to it, like a parent disciplining a rebellious child. "Or do you want to prove you weren't involved in anything compromising last night?"

Selene sighed heavily, the weight of his words pressing down on her, but her defiance hadn't crumbled yet. "I'm not taking a drug test, Alec," she replied coldly, staring up at the ceiling, her voice flat with disdain.

"You will take this test, Selene," Alec countered, his tone brooking no argument. "No one is leaving this room until Dr. Gibson here gets your sample." His gaze was unflinching, and though his voice remained calm, the steel beneath it was undeniable.

Selene turned her head toward him, her eyes narrowing with barely restrained anger. "Doctor...whatever your name is, you're dismissed," she said coolly, her voice sharp enough to cut through the tension. "And as your boss, Alec, you're dismissed as well."

Dr. Gibson froze, glancing nervously between the two of them, her professionalism faltering under the pressure of Selene's stare. She took a step back, clearly uncertain, but Alec's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Don't move, Dr. Gibson," Alec ordered firmly, not even sparing her a glance. His eyes remained locked on Selene, a silent battle of wills playing out between them.

"Go, Dr. Gibson," Selene repeated, her voice unwavering, daring the doctor to defy her authority.

"Stay," Alec commanded again, his tone deliberate, drawn out, as if speaking to a stubborn child.

"Go," Selene affirmed, her voice flat, cold as ice.

Alec's patience, thin as it already was, finally snapped. "Stop this, Selene!" he barked, the sharpness in his voice cutting through the tension like a whip. "You're stressing the poor woman out, and for what? To prove a point?"

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