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**The Next Day**

The atmosphere in the room shifted the moment Selene entered, her heels clicking sharply against the marble floor. Her eyes remained fixed on the folders clutched in her hands as she made her way to the head of the table. "Good morning," she mumbled, the words barely audible. The council members, seated around the long oak table, responded quickly, each lowering themselves into their seats as she settled in hers.

Vivian, standing just behind Selene, cleared her throat softly to announce her presence, placing a neat stack of documents beside Selene with a practiced grace. Selene acknowledged her with a brief glance, then immediately refocused on the task at hand.

"Any updates on the trial regarding the Senate in Parkson?" Selene's voice cut through the silence, her tone measured but sharp, eyes scanning the room as she waited for a response.

Vice President Pearson, seated directly across from her, was the first to answer. "Yes, Madame President. He has been officially charged. We're awaiting the arraignment to determine sentencing."

Selene nodded, her expression unreadable. "Keep me updated. I don't want a domestic case spiraling out of control." She dismissed the issue with a wave of her hand and turned her gaze to the Commander in Chief, who sat further down the table. "Commander Williams, what's the latest on your front?" Her inquiry was routine, but the weight behind her words was unmistakable.

"Nothing too alarming, Madame President," Commander Williams began, his voice firm and steady. His medals, meticulously pinned to his uniform, gleamed under the overhead lights. "But we do have growing concerns about a group of teenagers who went missing during a school trip to Archenland. They haven't returned yet."

Selene's brow furrowed slightly. "When were they supposed to be back?"

"Five days ago," Williams replied, his tone gravely serious.

Selene leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other as she mulled over the information. "And why is this being handled by the military? Has the Archenland Consulate been notified?"

Williams sighed, adjusting the collar of his uniform. "The Archenland Consulate is refusing to cooperate, which makes this situation political. We're concerned it may escalate into a hostage situation."

Selene's expression hardened. Atlantis and Archenland weren't allies, but they weren't enemies either. This kind of move made little sense. "What leverage do they have to justify such an action?" she asked, her voice carrying a dangerous edge.

Commander Williams hesitated for a split second before answering, his lips tightening. "We have a suspect in custody linked to the 3rd of September attack."

The tension in the room spiked. Selene's jaw clenched as she inhaled sharply, memories of the attack flooding back to her. It had been one of the darkest days in Atlantis' history—an attack that decimated the continent's largest children's hospital. The image of the inferno that consumed the hospital was seared into her mind, a trauma that every Atlantis citizen carried with them.

"When exactly was I supposed to be informed about this?" Her tone was low but laced with fury, eyes narrowing on Williams.

"He's still only a suspect, Madame. The connection is based on early intelligence, but... the missing children are making things feel less coincidental," Williams admitted quietly, his voice strained with the weight of what he was saying.

Selene's fingers drummed against the armrest of her chair as she absorbed the revelation, her mind already spinning with the implications. "So we're potentially dealing with a retaliation? A prisoner-for-hostages situation?"

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