Ha ha ha, fake

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Jeramie kneeled before the others, the Kingohgers, five kings fighting against tyranny. Their leader in red, a cackling, self-proclaimed tyrant, stood before him. Jeramie bowed his head, the words of his own Venomix shooter echoing in his mind.

~ Ha ha ha, fake.

How could the stranger, the girl, wield his weapon? The one passed from his mother to him—the weapon, the sword, the crown of the King of the InBetween. A crown that was stolen from him by someone who seemed as human as his companions, yet she now wore the title of King of the InBetween.

Jeramie's mind raced back to the day his mother entrusted him with the Venomix shooter. It wasn't just a weapon; it was a symbol of his heritage, his destiny. How could it now be in the hands of a stranger?

Jeramie explained his battle with the stranger, how he was tricked, and how his weapon was taken from him. He described how she was able to use it with such deft ease, a skill that should have been impossible for anyone but him.

Gira, the tyrant in red, surprisingly showed a rare moment of compassion. His usual cackling demeanor softened as he placed a hand on Jeramie's shoulder. "We will reclaim your crown," he vowed, "and show the traitor who the true King of the InBetween is."

Despite the doubts gnawing at his mind, a spark of determination flickered within Jeramie. He would prove his worth, reclaim his crown, and show that he was the true King of the InBetween.

Jeramie kneeled on the cold, hard ground, the weight of his failure pressing down on him. The other kings stood around him, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. The air was thick with tension, the silence only broken by the distant hum of the Galaxy Line.

Those words still echoed in his mind. Maybe he was the fake. Maybe that's what the Venomix was trying to tell him all this time—that he wasn't the true King of the InBetween. After all, no random stranger should be able to use the weapon of a king.

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