Chapter 16: Battle Lines

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"We don't stand a chance!"

Ishta, focused on stacking arrows, paused for a moment to look at the Tiefling woman who had spoken with such fear in her voice. Her crimson skin was drained of colour, her tail flicking nervously as she surveyed the scene before her. The scent of burning pitch mingled with the earthy smell of freshly cut timber, creating a heady mix that seemed to cling to every inch of the grove.

Even the usually serene trees seemed to bristle with anticipation, their branches rustling in the breeze as if eager for battle. In the distance, the clash of metal against metal echoed through the grove as weapons were hastily distributed among those gathered.

Ishta gently set down her bundle of arrows and approached the trembling Tiefling woman. Despite the chaos and fear that swirled around them, Ishta's heart beat steadily with determination. She had seen enough death and despair to recognize when someone was on the verge of breaking. Kneeling down to meet the Tiefling's eyes, Ishta spoke in a calm but commanding tone.

"Hey, look at me," she said firmly. "What's your name?"

The woman's breath caught as she tried to focus on Ishta's face. "Z-Zaara," she stammered weakly.

"Zaara, let's take a deep breath together," Ishta instructed, inhaling slowly through her nose and holding it for a moment before exhaling. After a few moments, Zaara followed suit, her breathing still shaky but starting to steady. "Good. Now again. That's it."

As Zaara's breathing became more even, Ishta continued speaking, never breaking eye contact with the Tiefling woman. "It's okay to be scared. In fact, I would be surprised if you weren't. But right now, we need you here. These barricades, these weapons - they're going to protect the grove, protect your people. We need every hand we can get."

Zaara nodded, tears welling in her eyes. "B-but I'm not a fighter. I don't know if I can do this."

Ishta reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Zaara's shoulder. "You don't have to be a fighter. Your job is important too - help us prepare the defences, make sure those barrels are ready, and then get yourself to safety in the caves. Leave the fighting to me and the others."

The Tiefling woman swallowed hard, her tail coiling tightly around her leg. She looked over at the barricades where others were working frantically to strengthen them, fear etched on their faces. But beneath that fear, Ishta saw a glimmer of determination.

Zaara turned back to Ishta, her voice steadier now. "Okay. I can do that."

"Good," Ishta said with a reassuring squeeze of Zaara's shoulder before standing up. "Everyone has a role to play. Just do your best with yours."

As Zaara joined the workers, Ishta stood tall and surveyed the bustling grove. The tension was thick, like a heavy weight pressing down on every soul present. But as she watched the Tieflings working together with purpose and grit, she also saw something else - a fierce determination to survive and protect each other. It was fragile, like a flame dancing in the wind, but it was there - and she would be damned if she let a pack of Goblins snuff it out.

Ishta's sharp gaze scanned the chaotic scene of the grove, searching for a familiar face among the Tieflings bustling about. Her eyes landed on Wyll, who was helping a group of them haul a particularly stubborn log into place. Despite the tension in the air, Wyll wore a determined, almost defiant expression, his hands steady as he guided the others in their task.

Even from a distance, Ishta could sense the uneasy glances that some of the Tieflings were throwing in Wyll's direction - lingering just a moment too long on the twisted, horned silhouette that now defined Wyll's once-human form. It was a subtle display, an attempt to hide their discomfort, but Ishta could feel it like an electric current pulsing through the already tense atmosphere.

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