Chapter 11: Advocatus Diaboli

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"So. How long do we wait before we assume she's been killed by Goblins?" Astarion asked, his voice laced with impatience as he tapped the hilt of his dagger. His eyes darted restlessly between the abandoned village of Moonhaven and his companions, his frustration palpable.

It had been an unsettlingly long time since Ishta had confidently strode into the forsaken place, and Astarion could feel a knot forming in his stomach. Being left alone with three individuals who still regarded him with suspicion was not helping his anxiety.

The unease radiating from Gale's uncertain shrug only added to the tension, and Astarion could see that even the normally collected Wizard was starting to look worried about Ishta's prolonged absence.

A loud caw shattered the tense silence, causing all heads to turn towards Mèirleach as he swooped down and landed on a stone wall next to them. Astarion eyed the bird disdainfully, his lip curling as the raven met his hostile stare with an unblinking gaze.

It turned out that the raven had indeed known what a Vampire was all along. Ishta had revealed earlier that Mèirleach had snitched on him, and that she had to reassure the bird that she already knew everything. Since then, Astarion couldn't shake off the feeling that Mèirleach was watching his every move.

Suddenly, without warning, Mèirleach took off and dived straight at Astarion's head. Instinctively, he ducked and shielded his eyes, feeling a sharp tug at his hair as the raven flew past. He looked up to see the bird standing in front of him, a few strands of his silver hair gripped tightly in its beak.

Enraged, Astarion pulled out one of his crossbows and aimed it at the maddening creature. The raven tilted its head and regarded him calmly, almost arrogantly, before taking off once more and heading back towards the village, cawing loudly.

Gale quickly stepped forward and placed a warning hand on Astarion's arm. "I think he wants us to follow him," he advised calmly. "Ishta may have sent him to guide us back to her... best not shoot the messenger."

Astarion's eyes narrowed as he felt Gale's hand on his arm, and his cold gaze flickered down to it and then back to the Wizard.

"Don't touch me." His fingers tightened around the handle of his crossbow, his voice low and menacing. Gale quickly withdrew his hand, instinctively sensing the danger in Astarion's tone, and took a step back.

Lae'zel pushed past them both, her movements fluid and full of purpose as she strode ahead to the gates. Her voice was laced with impatience as she spoke, "Enough of this. I crave blood."

A sly smile tugged at Astarion's lips as he kept his gaze fixed on Gale "What a coincidence... so do I."

Gale politely chose to ignore the comment as he and Shadowheart brushed past Astarion to follow after Lae'zel. The three of them had to practically jog to catch up with the long strides of the Gith woman, and together they entered the deserted village.

The initial challenge from a group of Goblins perched on the roofs of houses flanking the gates was swiftly dismissed by Gale mentioning their affiliation with the 'True Soul'. With hasty gestures and nods, the guards waved them through.

The village itself was a desolate sight; what once may have been a lively and bustling community now lay in ruins. Buildings were gutted and crumbling, succumbing to years of neglect. Weeds and vines crept up through cracks in the once-paved paths, reclaiming what was rightfully theirs. Signs of battle littered the streets - overturned tables, shattered pottery, abandoned weapons - evidence that this place had not gone down without a fight.

 Signs of battle littered the streets - overturned tables, shattered pottery, abandoned weapons - evidence that this place had not gone down without a fight

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Ishta: Blood Huntress Of Baldur's GateWhere stories live. Discover now