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The next morning you woke up with a sharp headache. You had a hard time sitting up, you could feel the world spinning. You just now realised that somehow you had came to Finn's bedroom. You looked around and noticed that on the bedside table there was a glass of water, a pill and a note. You took the note and after rubbing your eyes a few times they finally focused and you were able to read what it was saying.

Take the pill, it will help with your headache


You were surprised to see that Finn's handwriting was actually so pretty. You smiled softly at how thoughtful he was. Then you quickly shook away the thought and got dressed and went downstairs.

Aunt Polly was sitting on the table with a newspaper in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"Good morning!" you poured yourself some tea and sat down next to her.

"Morning, dear. Did you sleep well?" she smiled at you warming up your heart.

"Yes." you looked towards her cigarette box and Polly nodded. You smiled and took a cigarette and lit it up.

"Breakfast?" she folded the newspaper and left it on the table.

"No, thank you." you still didn't have an appetite and you still felt like throwing up because of the amount of alcohol you drank yesterday.

Inside the room walked Tom Shelby with Finn following shortly after. Tom sat down in front of you and lit up a cigarette. You couldn't helped it, but feel anxious. You thought that he had changed his mind and would kick you out, but you were so wrong.

"(Y/n), now that you are part of our family, it's time to choose where you will work. You don't have to start right away, but I think it will help you not to think about your father's death all the time, it will make you sick if you do so." he started and you calmed down.

"Yes, sir, whatever you think is right." you tried to speak with your best manners whenever it came to him. You were very found of him and also very scared.

"Do you want to be a barmaid in the Garrison or work in the Betting Shop?" he asked and Polly huffed disapproving "Polly?" he turned to her as he realised that she wanted a saying in this.

"She can't work in the Garrison. The drunk man will eat her alive, she is too fragile to be a barmaid and also way to young." Polly waved the hand with which she was holding her cigarette. You look at Finn, who was already looking at you.

"How old are you (Y/n)?" Tom asked you, but you didn't hear him the first time, you were way too busy staring at the tall boy in front of you.

"I'm eighteen." you answered after he asked you the same question twice. You felt embarrassed, your cheeks burning in a light red colour.

"So today you can go to the betting shop and start. I'm sure Polly and Esme will be glad to help you and if anything happens Finn is always there for you." Tom stood up, put out his cigarette and left.

You finished your tea and aunt Polly was quick to take the cup from your hand and read your tea leaves. She turned the cup around a few times and after a bit she smiled first looking at you then at Finn. You two exchanged confused glances and finally you asked "So? What did you see?"

"Soon enough you'll find out on your own, I don't want to spoil anything." she smirked still looking between the two of you. You felt stupid because you didn't understand a single thing she was trying to say. Finn wasn't any different, he was just as confused.

"Whatever let's just go." Finn put on his peaky cap together with a stone cold expression. You put on your coat and the three of you walked to the betting shop.

You went first into a room, in the middle of which there was a round table, you went through the big door to the next room, where there was a huge safe, an office on one side and an office inside a cage, on the other. There was a third room, where they had a long table and a blackboard. At the long table sat Esme and Lizzie. They were looking at something in a big red book.

In the proper office sat Arthur. Polly explained to you that you will take the phone calls and write down bets that they place. She sat you down in the cage office and put a phone in front of you.

"Do you need anything?" Finn walked in and sat on the chair before your desk.

"A cigarette would be nice." you said, your eyes glued to the book in front of you. Finn pulled out a cigarette lit it up and then handed it to you "Thanks." you glanced at him for less than a second. It was nice having him as your assistant and somewhat as your bodyguard.

"If that's all I'm gonna go." he stood up after a few minutes of silence.

"Where to?" you finally met his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"I have things to do. I'll come back later to pick you up, don't leave without me." with that he left, leaving you staring after him for quite a while, but then the phone rang and you gave all of your attention to the work you were given.

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