drunk - matt

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IN WHICH...   you come home drunk and matt takes care of you

matt's pov

i'm lying on the couch watching a tv show. it's 1:27 a.m. and y/n still hasn't come home. i'm distracted from the show and i'm on my phone at the same time, waiting for a text from her. she said she'd be home around 1 a.m., and i'm not her dad, but i'm still a little worried about her. she went out with her friends on a girl's night and i wanted to stay home to make sure she gets back okay. i tried going to sleep but i couldn't knowing she's not home, and i declined my brothers' offer to go out to dinner tonight.

i hear a car pulling up to our home and i walk toward the front window, my head feeling dizzy from standing up so fast. i open the blinds and see y/n getting out of a man's car. from what it seems like, she thanks him and then hands him cash. i assume it's an uber. i see her stumble her way up to the front door, and before she can knock, i open it for her.

"hi," she says immediately, blushing as she does. 

she's really drunk.

"come on," i say gently as i grab her arm and pull her inside with me.

"this is my home?" she asks with a confused look.

"gosh, y/n, how much did you drink tonight?" i ask her. she looks up like she's thinking about it. 

"hmm... only like 3 margaritas." she shrugs. i'm around y/n all the time, she's my girlfriend so i know only three margaritas doesn't get to her like this.

"liar," i chuckle, bringing her over to the couch and sitting her down. i kneel down to take off her heels.

"you're so handsome," she says out of nowhere. i can feel my face burning up. "you're blushing," she teases and giggles.

"stop," i say, holding back a smile. "are you hungry, baby?" i ask, changing the subject. she dramatically falls back onto the couch and holds her hand to her forehead like she's fainting.

"did you call me baby?" she exhales with a wide smile.

"yeah, you're my girlfriend." i smile. her smile grew wider although i thought that was impossible.

"i'm your girlfriend?!" she practically shrieks. "i'm so lucky!" 

"aw," i blush hard. "no but seriously, did you eat?" i ask.

"nope," she shakes her head, slowly sitting up. "i'm so dizzy," she says suddenly, her hand rubbing her forehead which makes me remember she's wearing makeup. 

"i'll get you something to eat," i say as i stand up from where i was knelt on the ground. i use her thighs to help me stand up and she looks up at me with a grin. she's so pretty.

i know she loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, so i made her one of those and brought it back to her. she looked teary eyed when i handed it to her.

"you made this just for me?" she says with her voice cracking. she always gets emotional when she's drunk. 

"of course i did, you said you were hungry, baby." i say, trying to read her expression.

"awh, i love you." she says as she takes a big bite, and a tear rolls down her face. i wipe the tear from her cheek with my thumb and tell her i love her too. i sit next to her until she's done eating the sandwich which didn't take long. poor girl must've been starving. 

i help her up and guide her to the bathroom with my hand around her waist. i sit her on the toilet seat lid and take her makeup wipes from under the sink. i gently grab her chin and tilt it up so i can see her and she shuts her eyes so i can take off her makeup. i carefully swipe it over her long eyelashes, watching the mascara crumble into tiny crumbs and reveal her natural color of her lashes. i wipe off her cheeks and see the pink blush and brown contour transfer onto the wipe. i toss it in the garbage can and give her a hoodie and shorts to put on. 

she didn't even let me leave the bathroom for her to change before she used my arm to stabilize her as she slipped on the shorts. i look the other way so she can change while keeping my arm stable so she can stand, the silky dress being left on the ground as she put the hoodie on. she silently wraps both her arms around my neck in a warm hug, and that's how i know she's done changing.

"i love you." i say, she hugs me tighter, and my arms wrap around her waist and i hold her close.

"i love you so much," she says. "i'm gonna brush my teeth," she says. i nod and leave the bathroom to get her a glass of water.

once i have her water i bring it into our bedroom and put it on her nightstand. i move the decorative pillows out of the way and lay out her blanket so she can get under it. i walk to the bathroom and she's just finishing up brushing her teeth.

"ready for bed?" i ask. her tired eyes glance at me and nod as she wipes her mouth with a hand towel. she gives me another hug.

"thank you for everything," she whispers in my ear. i can't help but smile.

"anything for my girl." i say, her pulling away and smiling wide and blushing. "let's go," i say as i hold her hand and bring her to our room. "chug this water, you need it." i say.

"never let me drink this much again, matt." she giggles as she drinks a little over half of the water before lying down. when i lay down next to her, she immediately cuddles into me and buries her face in my neck. i just grab her waist and hold her. she falls asleep within minutes and so do i. i love my girlfriend.


this one is almost worse than the last one 😍sorry gng.

i mean it's not terribleeeee, right?

it's alr

hope u enjoyed sry its been so long since the last one <3

1035 words

love u

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