Chapter 3

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 Trav - good morning Tay how did you sleep?

Tay - Fine, what about you

Trav - I slept well, do you want a ride to school today?

Tay - Yeah sure, thanks.

Travis picks me up and we drive to school. My head is spinning as we get out and everybody starts whispering and pointing as we walk inside. Travis takes my hand and I look at him.

"It's okay Tay," Travis says. We walk to first hour and my head is still spinning. I hear the teacher start to talk but I can't hear her. I look around anxiously and Travis notices me. I start to get nauseous and hot and my leg starts to shake. I'm sitting one second and the next thing I know, I'm on the floor half passed out and Travis is next to me.

Travis' POV

"Taylor, Taylor, Tay!" I yell running over to her. I wrap my arms around her and the teacher calls the office. I hear an ambulance pulling up to take Taylor away.

"Son, you have to stay back," The principal says.

"Please, please, you don't understand, I need to be there for her," I beg. The principal sighs and nods. I run to the ambulance and climb in behind them. The paramedic looks at me and nods. He asks me questions about Taylor and everything I know about her. I tell him everything, taking Tay's hand slowly rubbing it. We get to the hospital and they take her away. I sit in the waiting room and see Taylor's parents walking in. I stand up and introduce myself.

"So you're the boy that Taylor talks about, she loves you so much," Taylor's Mom, Andrea, says. I smile.

"I love her so much more," I say. Ms. Swift nods with a smile.

"What happened?" She asks.

"We were in the first hour and she told me her head was spinning and she felt nauseous. Class started and she passed out. I think it was anxiety," I say. Ms. Swift nods.

"Probably, she gets stressed very easily," Ms. Swift says. We sat together in the waiting room. A nurse walks out and we all jump up.

"Taylor is majorly malnourished, she's stable and she'll be fine if she starts to eat. We need to get her on better eating habits. Last year when she had her doctor's appointment, she was __ pounds (a/n: i don't want to assume weight, it's none of my business). She has lost 30 pounds since then," The nurse says. We all look at each other. "Give us 20 minutes and you can see her we are finishing up some tests."

"When's the last time you saw Taylor eat?" Ms. Swift says sitting back down.

"Is it bad that I don't know? She texted me last night saying she had salad for dinner though. But now I don't know if it's true," I say. She nods.

"And...that's not it," The nurse starts.

"She's been hurting herself right," I say. Ms. Swift and the nurse both look at me.

"How do you know?" The nurse asks.

"I don't know. We were on calls before when she was crying but it always felt like she was preoccupied or doing something else. At school she never wore shorts. And when she did she covered her thighs." I say.

"Well, yes she is. Her thighs," The nurse says. 

Taylor Swift x Travis Kelce Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now