Chapter 6

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Taylor falls back asleep and I gently rub her back as she sleeps. I got up early the next day to get ready.

"Tay baby, time to get up, we have school," I whisper, kissing her forehead. She turns over and groans.

"I have no clothes," Taylor says slowly getting out of bed.

"I have a pair of sweatpants in the closet, there's a hoodie in there too," I said pointing to my closet.

"Which hoodie?" Tay asks. I kiss her and shrug.

"Any, I don't mind," I say. Tay smiles and grabs one. She changes and I gently brush through her hair as she gets ready. "Let's go get some breakfast." I say taking her hand. Taylor stops in her tracks and I slowly turn around. "Sweets, you have to eat. I'm right here. If you feel uncomfortable tell me, you do have to eat though." Taylor nods and follows me downstairs. I make a bagel and g ive half to Tay with some butter on it. She looks up at me. "It's only half, it'll be okay." She nods and slowly takes a bite.

"I'm scared," Taylor says as her eyes fill with tears. I sit down and wrap my arms around her.

"It's okay, I'm not making you do anything that would hurt you. I never would. I'm trying to keep you safe and help you. I promise. I love you and want you to be healthy," I say, kissing the top of her head. Tay slowly nods and takes a bite. She finishes her half of the bagel and gets up to go to the bathroom. I follow her back upstairs and see her kneeling over the toilet. "No, Taylor no!" I say pulling her away from the toilet. She starts to sob and tries to push me away back to the toilet. "You can't do this pretty girl. You don't deserve this, you are so gorgeous. You shouldn't hurt your body. You're ruining your relationship with food." Taylor gives up fighting and just sobs into my arms. I rub her arm gently and she slowly calms down.

"Can we just go to school?" She finally asks. I nod. I help her up and help her into the car.

"Text me if anything happens sweetie," I say, dropping her off at her 2nd period class. I kiss her and then walk to my class. I get a text about halfway through class from Tay.

Tay 💗 : I feel so sick.

Trav: I'll come get you, ask to go to the bathroom, meet me in the bathroom in 3 minutes.

Tay 💗 : okay thanks

I quickly ask to go to the bathroom and meet Tay in the bathroom. Our school only has gender neutral bathrooms, which is good and bad, good for this reason.

"What's wrong Tay?" I ask gently. She shrugs.

"I felt so sick. Like I was going to throw up," Tay says, starting to cry. I wrap my arms around her and let her cry.

"Your body isn't used to the food sweetie. You can't throw up though, you can't. It's just going to get worse. Please Tay. Your body is going to want to throw up, and that's normal. Take a drink of water, have a piece of gum or a mint or something but don't throw up. It's not good for your body, or your mouth or your teeth." I say rubbing her back. She slowly nods, wiping away her tears.

"Sorry for making you leave class," Taylor mumbles. I shake my head and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Don't be, I want you to let me know if you feel sick. Thank you for texting me," I say. Taylor smiles and nods. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05 ⏰

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Taylor Swift x Travis Kelce Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now