Chapter 4

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TW: eating disorder


"Your family knows. So does the guy," The nurse says.

"What guy?" I ask sitting up.

"He said his name is Travis, apparently your boyfriend," The nurse says shrugging.

"Can you let him in? I want to talk to him," I say. The nurse nods. Travis comes in and I start to cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I say. Travis throws his arms around me.

"It's okay, it's okay Tay. You didn't purposely faint. You felt sick. It's okay. I'm just happy you're safe," Travis says, rubbing my back as I sob into his shoulder. He sits down next to my bed and we stay in silence. "We know about the eating disorder. And about you hurting yourself."

"It's not an eating disorder!" I shout turning away.

"You don't have to be upset. It's okay. We can figure this out," Travis says. I turn towards him with angry tears in my eyes.

"You don't get it Travis! I hate it here! I want to be anywhere but here! I hate the world. I get bullied everyday! I'm fat and ugly and everybody hates me. I'm a burden in life. I hurt myself because it makes me feel better, and it takes away the pain. You don't get it, Trav. You never will." Tears start to fall and Travis tries to hug me. I push him away and roll away from him. I hear Travis walk out and I start to sob.


"How is she?" Taylor's Dad, Scott asks. I shake my head.

"Not good. She broke down in tears and won't let me even hug her. She doesn't think she can do it," I say. Scott nods and he walks into her room. I sit back down in the waiting room waiting.

"She's asking for you again," Scott says, walking back out. I nod and walk in.

"I'm so sorry Trav. I shouldn't have pushed you away. I shouldn't have said all of that to you. I'm sorry for venting to you, you don't deserve it and I love you, I'm sorry!" Taylor says as she bursts into tears. I wrap my arms around her and she cries into my arms.

"Tay, it's okay. You can always talk to me. Never block me out baby. I love you so much more sweetie. I love you so much," I say, rubbing her back.

"Why?" Taylor asks slowly, letting go of me and wiping her eyes.

"What?" I ask genuinely confused.

"Why do you love me?"

"I love you because you are so strong and so brave. You have never given up and you won't back down. Your world is so overwhelming but you never let that get the best of you. You make sure everybody matters. You never leave people out, you always care about them. You are the kindest, sweetest, most loving person I have ever met. You are the smartest person ever and you were willing to let me into your life after years of me bullying you. I probably didn't deserve it but I thank you everyday. Thank you for letting me in. Thank you for appreciating me. Thank you for letting me into your life and letting me love you. Because I love you more than words could ever say."

"Trav-" Taylor starts as her voice breaks. She wipes her tears away and giggles. "I love you even more." She throws her arms around my neck and I hold her.

"She can go home now," The nurse said after Taylor and I were sitting together for almost 10 minutes. I kiss the top of Tay's head and help her up.

"Do you feel okay walking?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm good," Tay says. I take her hand and we walk out to the parking lot.

"You two can take my car, I'll drive with Scott," Andrea says, tossing me the keys.

"Okay, do you mind if we go to my house?" I ask. Andrea shrugs.

"I don't care, you two have fun!" She smiles. I help Tay into the passenger side and I pull out of the parking lot.

"Do you want to eat anything?" I ask, glancing over at Taylor. She shakes her head.

"I'm not hungry," she mumbles.

"You passed out because you haven't eaten in days, sweetie. You have to eat my love. How about we get some chicken nuggets?" I ask. Tay shrugs. We stop at Chick-Fil-A and I pick up some chicken nuggets and diet coke for Tay. We get to my house and I take her hand and lead her inside. We go up to my room and we sit on my bed. I hand Taylor a chicken nugget after a few minutes in silence and she looks up at me. "You have to eat something. You're just going to get even more sick." Taylor nods and slowly eats it. She finishes the small box and diet coke and lays in my lap.

"Thank you for everything," Taylor whispers.

"Anytime my love," I whisper back. 

Taylor Swift x Travis Kelce Teenage YearsWhere stories live. Discover now