Chapter Twenty-Eight: Bikini

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Falling asleep the night of Nami's birthday, I kept recalling on how much money I currently have so I could attempt to calculate the maximum number of sweet potato seeds that I could buy from either Matthew or whoever the heck is present on Vesta's farm the next morning. I thought about it so much as I drifted off to sleep, that I had a freaking dream that a humongous sweet potato was chasing me! Talk about a nightmare! Note to self: never again think about sweet potatoes obsessively before drifting off to sleep.

Anyway, shortly after I had given Nami her birthday gifts yesterday, Lou entered Nami's room and announced that it was time for the birthday girl to go downstairs and blow out some candles on this red-velvet birthday cake Lou had kindly made for her. At first, Nami protested against it but still told Lou she appreciated the gesture; however, of course Lou eventually convinced the red-head to do otherwise. I'm convinced Lou made a red-velvet cake because of Nami's red hair, haha.

We all ended up going downstairs in the the inn's kitchen yesterday with the lights turned off and Nami blew out the candles on her birthday cake. As Lou, Tei, and I all gathered around Nami and sang happy birthday to her, Nami stood there somewhat awkwardly as she averted her eyes from us while blushing; I could tell she was not used to this at all and maybe she was a little annoyed, but I could tell she greatly appreciated Lou and Tei's efforts. I don't know why, but I just felt this lonely kind of vibe radiating from Nami when we sang to her...when was the last time she celebrated her birthday like this with anyone, I wonder?

Also... Lou suggested to Nami that I should stay the night in her room since it was already so late at night and before Nami could even say anything back to Lou, I immediately said without thinking that I had to go and my face was utterly flushed of the brightest pink imaginable. I somewhat regret leaving so suddenly and kind of wished that I had stayed the night, because now I'm going to wonder what if I had stayed and... ... EEEK!

I mean I already stayed the night with Nami in that cave recently but if I stayed the night in Nami's room, who knows what would HAPPEN!- Ahhh, I'm getting way too ahead of myself here. Knowing Nami, she probably would have offered to sleep on the floor or something, there's no way she would actually let me sleep in her bed right next to her... Ahahaha. That's right...I-

Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.

I instantly turned my attention away from the fridge and turned around to face my front door.

Who the heck could that be this morning? Takakura? I was just about to finish making breakfast too. Or I hope it's not Rock... I don't want him sabotaging my cooking like he did that one time he barged into my house. I really don't feel like talking to him right now, especially after yesterday. Sigh.

With much reluctance, I opened the door to see Molly standing there with an eager, cheery smile plastered on her lips and she flashed me a wink once we locked eyes. Both her hands remained behind her as she swayed them in a flirty-way back and fourth once she finally began speaking.

"K-AY-LA!~ Goooood morning! I just wanted to let you know about the big beach-party we're having today down at the beach! They'll be all sorts of games to do and there's also a big swimming contest we're having with big prize money! Provided by Lumina and her rich family members of course! Hee hee!~"

Perplexed, I innocently cocked my head to the side. "But... It's the second day of Fall? Why didn't we have this beach-event thing during the summer?"

Molly chuckled as she flipped her long curly blonde hair. "Oh it was my idea, Sweetheart! After watching that latest soap opera on tv where they had a big beach event, it inspired me to ask Lumina to help give the funds to put something together! Ooh, the show was so romantic during the beach arc! I'm sure something outrageously romantic will happen today and that this event will both sprinkle us and bring fourth some romance in some way!~" Molly swooned as she giggled and excitedly twirled around.

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