Chapter Nine: Waterfall

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"Oh, hey. The valley's bulletin board system is pretty handy, huh? I posted something up there today."

That's what Nami told me earlier around noon today when I visiting her real quick and giving her some more Milky Soup I had made for her. I really want to be able to cook more things for her and learn new recipes somehow. I might ask around town or something later on for people to share with me any secret recipes of theirs. Hehe.

On the bulletin board, Nami's request read:

'Locally Caught Fish

4 days left

Anyone fish? I'm down to try a freshly caught fish from the valley. Will take recommendations.

From Nami

Wanted: (Any) x 1
Reward: Spiral Herb x 3'

Hmm. I don't have much experience with fishing, I've only done it a handful of times, but I'm sure she'll appreciate a fish caught from under the waterfall near the digsite! I've never gone fishing there before in that area and figured it'd be a fun idea. I don't really care so much about the reward Nami is offering, I just really want to help her out with this request - and to maybe impress her too by giving her a big fish (hehe).

What's even better is that it's a beautiful day out! The sun is shining, there's not a cloud in the sky, and the waterfall I'm standing in front of is absolutely ethereal; I'm completely mesmerized. It honestly reminds me of Nami's blue eyes... they're so mysterious, yet dreamy. Haha...

I'm firmly gripping my fishing rod and my fishing line is currently in the water. I've been waiting for about ten minutes now for maybe a bite, but no dice so far.

The sounds of footsteps then visited my ears and I turned my head slightly to see...

"Nami!" I happily greeted her as I waved and my eyes instantly just lit up at seeing her.

She walked slowly toward me with her hands in her pockets and acknowledged me by giving me a nod. I rarely see Nami at the digsite, maybe she came here since she's inspired by my finds lately-

An abrupt tug was then felt on my fishing line and it most definitely was a bite. I tightly gripped my fishing rod and stepped back; I was struggling to reel the fish in. Ugh, it must be a really big one! How embarrassing, I don't want Nami to see me struggle like this!

From the corner of my right eye, I then saw what it appeared to be... the possessed teddy bear?! Before I could even shriek in terror to alert Nami, the bear slyly pushed on my back with immense force and I ended up falling in the river right under the waterfall.

Everything happened so fast. Immediately, Nami dived in the water. She protectively grabbed onto my waist underwater and helped me swim upwards. We both gasped for air as we arose from the water, I felt myself blushing at feeling her still hold onto my waist and holding me close to her. She then guided me out of the water and held my hand to help me up, which caused my heart to tingle repeatedly. Seeing Nami's red hair and outfit completely drenched made my cheeks throw an absolute blushing fit. She looks so hot, what the heckkkk.

I feel beyond disoriented though. I didn't even have time to swim or act.

My eyes widened at then seeing that Nami's arm was bleeding slightly and I gasped. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I'm sorry, you didn't need to do that... I'm sure I could have swam to the surface all fine by myself and stuff..."

Nami shook her head and looked down. She was quiet for a moment before she spoke.

"No, I thought you were drowning, and... I don't know. My body just moved on it's own," she quietly revealed trying to catch her breath and the red head then let out a soft chuckle. She smirked and I felt myself blushing once more; taken aback by her smirk.

"Hope that makes up for yesterday..."

I blushed harder. "O-Of course it does!"

"...Are you okay though?" Nami asked in a serious tone.

"I think so..." I mumbled as I tried to walk, but I quickly lost balance as I fell to the ground. "Eek! ...Okay, maybe not."

Nami knelt down to my level. "You're hurt..."

I sheepishly nodded, somewhat anxious too as I realized my legs now feel numb.

"Mhm... And I could have sworn that bear pushed me into the water! He was trying to MURDER me!" I cutely whined and concern was plastered all over my face as I then gently held onto Nami's bleeding arm. I looked deeply in her eyes; mine full of worry. "And we should head back to my farm to treat your arm! I've got a first-aid kit and-"

Without warning, Nami abruptly pulled me in closer to her and she stood up; picking me up, to then... her carrying me bridal style. My face flushed insanely of neon-pink.

"I'll carry you there."

Author Note: This was such a short but cute chapter to write! I can't wait to write chapter ten! XD you'll see! Haha! Thank you to all those who read and review! 

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