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Taylor Swift - In 2007 she was dating a guy

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Taylor Swift - In 2007 she was dating a guy. She ended up getting pregnant at 17 and broke up with her boyfriend. She had the baby and then sent her to an orphanage. She hasn't seen her since. Her daughter would now be 15.

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Logan Marjorie - 15 year old girl

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Logan Marjorie - 15 year old girl. She's been alone her whole life and is determined to learn who her parents are. She takes care of her two "sisters" who are younger than her. They've been together for years. Logan's always been alone, she grew up so fast and she struggles with anxiety and mental health.

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Ivy Megan - 8 year old girl

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Ivy Megan - 8 year old girl. She was taken away from an abusive household when she was 5 years old. She became close with Logan and Logan started to take care of her. Ivy is bright and very happy, but deep down she hides the abusive household that nobody knows about.

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Bella (Bells) Clara - 3 year old girl

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Bella (Bells) Clara - 3 year old girl. She was put in foster care as a newborn. Logan immediately started taking care of her and watching over her. She is bubbly and energetic. Bella follows Logan and Ivy, doing everything they do. 

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