Chapter 3

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These girls are so damaged. Mentally they have been through a lot. The oldest girl clearly is burnt out and wanting to give up. The middle girl hides too much and doesn't let anyone know anything. The youngest girl is too young to have to deal with this. And the fact that Logan might be my daughter is freaking me out. Not many girls are named Logan and even less are named Logan Marjorie. I walked over to her room to ask her about it.

"Hey princess, can I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah just a sec!" Logan says her voice is panicky. She shuffles around for a minute before opening the door. "What's up?" She asks, smiling.

"I know that's fake," I say walking in.

"What?" Logan asks, sitting on her bed. I sit down next to her and sigh.

"The smile? We both know you're done. But that's not what I want to talk to you about," I say. Logan sighs and looks down. "When I was 17 years old I got pregnant." I say out of nowhere. Logan looks up at me with her bright blue eyes. God she looks so much like me.


"When I was 17 I got pregnant, I broke up with the guy and gave birth to a daughter, Logan Marjorie. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I don't know many girls named Logan Marjorie. I gave the girl to foster care because I couldn't care for her, I was too young and had my music to deal with. I had always wanted kids, but when the daughter came around, it was too much to deal with at the moment."

"I'm your daughter?" Logan asks, her voice quieter.

"I don't know, if you want we can do a DNA test to see if you are, but you may not be my daughter. And I don't want you to get your hopes up," I say. Logan smiles.

"No I want to, I don't care if you are my mom, I want to know my mom's name anyway," She says hugging me. I hug her tightly.

"Let's go later today, I can get my mom to watch Ivy and Bella," I say. Logan nods.

"Do you have a piano?" Logan asks after a few minutes. I look at her and she laughs. "I just realized how stupid that sounded." I laugh too and hug her.

"Yes I do," I say, taking her hand. I led her downstairs to the large grand piano in my music studio. "You can do anything you want. There's a microphone and guitar too. There's a banjo and violin but I never play them, they're probably so out of tune." Logan nods and sits down at the piano. She plays a few chords and starts to sing a soft song. I immediately recognize it. This is Me Trying. I close the music studio door to leave her be and go back upstairs.

"Taylor! I'm hungry!" Ivy says, skipping down the long halls. I smile down at her. I know she's struggling too, but she's so little. I gently pick her up and carry her to the kitchen. I set her on the kitchen counter and opened the pantry.

"What're you in the mood for?" I ask.

"I actually get to eat?" Ivy asks excitedly.

"Of course you get to eat, why wouldn't you? Doesn't the foster care let you eat?" I ask pulling a bag of goldfish out for the young girl.

"Well Logan doesn't normally eat and Bella and I do anything she does," Ivy says shrugging. I hand the goldfish bag to her and she starts to eat.

"Why doesn't Logan eat?" I ask. Ivy shrugs again.

"She says she doesn't feel pretty and she's too fat, I think she's so pretty though!" Ivy says, smiling at me. I smile back. I kiss her forehead and nod.

"Your sister is very beautiful, just like you," I say.

"Logan eats sometimes, but she always throws up after and she told me that food makes her tummy hurt so she doesn't eat a lot," Ivy says clueless. I sigh and carry Ivy into the living room. I turn on the TV to Sofia The First and bring Bella into the room too. Bella and Ivy sit on the couch and watch the show together. I go back down to the music studio to talk to Logan. I walk towards the room and hear a soft voice singing Dorothea with the guitar. I slowly open the door and Logan stops suddenly.

"Your voice is gorgeous sweetie," I say sitting down on a couch in the studio. Logan shrugs.

"Not like yours," Logan says, taking the guitar strap off from around her neck. I pat the couch next to me and Logan moves towards me. She sits down and I wrap my arm around her.

"How are you?" I ask gently, running my fingers through her hair.

"Fine? Why are you so worried?" Logan asks, looking up at me.

"Just some things Ivy said about you," I say as Logan slowly looks down.

"Oh," Logan starts. "Well Ivy says a lot of things that aren't true. You shouldn't believe her."

"I know she's not lying," I say. Logan sighs.

"What did she say?"

"Just talked about your problems with food, maybe an eating disorder?" I say gently. Logan pushes me and stands up.

"It's not an eating disorder! It's just a diet!" Logan says angrily moving towards the door. I jump in front of the door to block her from leaving. Logan leans into my arms crying.

"Princess, I just want to know what's going on. I want to help you. Please tell me," I say, rubbing her back softly. She slowly pulls away and looks up at me, tears glistening in her bright blue eyes.

"It's not just an eating disorder," Logan says as tears start to fall. "I've dealt with emotional, physical and mental abuse my whole life." 

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