Chapter 1

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"Logan! Can you come help me?" Ivy asks. I sigh.

"Coming!" I shout back. I slowly stand up and walk over to the living area in the foster home. The foster house is not big. There's almost 40 kids in the whole place, 18 girls, 22 boys, split up into a few bedrooms. I share a room with my two sisters Ivy and Bella. We may not be sisters by blood, but I basically raised them. We share our bedroom with 6 other girls and the boys and other girls are split into other rooms. There's a large communal living area where everybody does homework and hangs out.

"Can you help with math homework?" Ivy asks. I sit down next to her and help her with a few addition and subtraction fraction problems. Ivy finishes her homework and I go to the bathroom. I pull a small knife out of my pocket and put two small cuts in my upper thighs. I know not to be in the bathroom for too long, or else Ivy or Bella or somebody will catch me. I quickly leave and lay down in bed.

"Logie? It's dinner!" Bella says running up to my bed. I slowly sit up and fake a smile.

"What's for dinner?" I say picking Bella up. I carried her into the kitchen and set her in her high chair. She's 3 years old but she cannot manage to sit in a normal chair without falling out. I sit down at the table but can't bring myself to eat. I push my fork around and throw out the rest. I quickly shower and lay down in bed.

"Logan?" Ivy asks.

"What's up?" I ask scooching over in bed to make room for her.

"She hit me again," Ivy says.

"Ivy you know what we said," I say, running my fingers through her soft blonde hair.

"I don't want to get in trouble," Ivy says looking up at me.

"Ivy. It's just going to get worse," I say. Ivy nods. "I'll pack. We're leaving in 10 minutes." I whisper.

"I'll get Bella ready," Ivy whispers back. I smile and nod. I quickly throw some of Ivy and Bella's clothes into a bag. I grab a couple granola bars and throw them in the bag with the clothes. I sneak into the living room and grab cash from the foster woman's purse. I grab Ivy's hand and carry Bella. We sneak out the door and run down the street. We turn a couple corners and walk for a few miles until we know we're far enough away. We're in New York City now, instead of a few miles outside of town. We sit down on a bench and I wrap a blank over Ivy and Bella. Ivy lays her head on my shoulder and falls asleep. Bella is curled up in my lap and falls asleep. I look around for a few hours. I finally give up and fall asleep.


I'm walking down the road, walking back to my house in New York City. I see 4 young girls asleep on a bench on the side of the road. It's definitely not warm outside and they have one blanket that the oldest isn't using at all. I walk up to the three girls and slowly shake the oldest awake.

"Hey, sweetie, are you guys okay? Why are you out here?" I ask.

"Oh my god. Taylor Swift?" The girl asks. I smile.

"Yes, that's me. Are you three okay? Do you need somewhere to sleep?" I ask. The girl shrugs.

"We ran away from the foster care place. Please don't take us back," The girl says. I nod.

"How about we go back to my house tonight. I have a guest bedroom," I say.

"Okay," The girl says smiling. I slowly lift up the second oldest who is still asleep and the girl carries the youngest girl.

"What's your name?" I ask.


What the hell? I think. When I was 17 I was pregnant. I broke up with the guy and gave birth to a daughter. I gave her away though because I couldn't take care of her. All I remember about her was that she had blonde hair, blue eyes and I named her Logan Marjorie. There's absolutely no way that this is my daughter.

"That's pretty. What about your sister's names?" I ask.

"The one you're holding is Ivy Megan. And mine is Bella Clara," Logan says looking up at me.

"What about your middle name?" I ask.

"This is going to be so creepy though," Logan says. Oh shit. She is my daughter. I don't know for sure but if she isn't telling me my middle name it's pretty obvious. I have a song after my grandmother's name, everybody knows her name.

"It's Marjorie isn't it," I say. Logan looks shocked.

"Yeah? How'd you know?" Logan asks, still jaw dropped. I shrug.

"Lucky guess," I say. Logan nods and looks away. We get to my house and I open the door. I show Logan the guest room. "There's 3 guest rooms that are clean right now."

"It's fine. We don't need anything. The floor is fine," Logan says. I stop and turn around. Logan doesn't even realize what she says until she sees me looking at her. "Oh. Sorry."

"Put Bella down in this room. Then I can get Ivy's room and then yours," I say. Logan nods and lays Bella down in the bed. I lay Ivy down in the next bedroom over. I walk Logan to her room and we sit down on the bed.

"Logan. What's going on? I don't normally see 3 sisters sleeping on a bench in the streets of New York City. Are you guys okay?" I ask.

"It's just the foster care place we stay at. And Ivy and Bella aren't my sisters biologically. I just call them my sisters because I kind of started taking care of them since they were put in foster care," Logan says shrugging.

"Well is the foster care system okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Not really, we left today because Ivy got hit again by one of the ladies in charge. The adults aren't necessarily nice, they just make some rude comments and stuff. I don't know. It'll be fine. You'll probably send us back anyway," Logan says.

"I'm not sending you back. You aren't the type of girl to just run off for no reason," I say, shaking my head.


"Do you want to eat anything? You must be hungry," I say. Logan shakes her head.

"I'm fine, thanks," Logan says. Logan lays down in bed and I get up and turn off her light. I leave and walk back to my room. I shower quickly and fall asleep. 

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