Chapter 5

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 "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!" Ivy screams. I set Ivy on the couch and she runs to the front door and opens it. She runs out.

"Ivy, no!" I shout. I chase after her and pick her up. She starts to scream and flail again. I run back inside and grab Bella. I don't know what's going on with Ivy. I don't know her, but I know she's 8, it's not normal for kids this age to freak out to the extreme that she did. I buckle Ivy and Bella up in the back and we start to drive to the hospital. Ivy starts to cry.

"I want Logie!" Ivy says.

"That's where we are going Ivy," I say looking back at her. She finally calms down and we pull up to the hospital. We walk in and I see Taylor sitting in a chair in the waiting room, she's staring at the wall absentmindedly bouncing her leg. She jumps up and hugs me.

"Tree! Oh my god you are literally a lifesaver. I love you so much, thank you!!" Taylor says. I laugh. Taylor picks up Ivy and we walk to a small room.


The doctor said that Logan is stable. But she's struggling a lot. Apparently she had been cutting herself for months. I feel terrible. I should've noticed. Logan will be okay, but there's a lot of recovery for her self harm, a lot of recovery about her eating disorder, and a lot of recovery about her trauma.


I wish I would just go. Why am I still here? I don't deserve to live. I start to sob, I'm shaking and don't know what to do.

"Hey, Logan princess, what's wrong?" Taylor says walking in. I shake my head, unable to breathe. She sits down next to me. She wraps her arms around me and holds me. "It's okay I'm right here." Taylor whispers.

"Tay, I can't breathe!" I say sobbing. 

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