Chapter 6

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Damon's PoV

The feeling of walking with her
On my arm through the pack was euphoric..
The way it should've always been
I have no one to blame but myself for why it wasn't that way...
Why our start was..nothing but pain and suffering
If I had listened to her cries ...
For her begs of mercy
But the anger that burned through me
Knowing he had her...
The way he taunted me behind
Those steel bars
The way he looked at her as if she was
Dirt and the fear that screamed in
Her soft green eyes ...

I returned to attempt to start with
It's a feeling I'll never forget
Our bond snapping slowly as her
Blood soaked the bathroom floor
Her dull red eyes staring at me as the seem to dry out
Every time I seen her in that bed
So still and peaceful like she was sleeping
But I knew I put her there ,
It is not my nature to be soft nor kind
To be embracing or gentle
But she is delicate
She is soft and fragile like rose
On the ground of war grounds ,
If I'm to keep her safe I need to show
Her I'm not what she's heard...

As we approach the house she
Keeps to my side as Ellie opens it
We walk in and she stops to take the house in
Her face in awe admiring everything
"Dear I'll bring you to your room
You need a rightful rest"
Ellie says taking her hand
She looks at me as if asking permission
"Go rest"
She nods happy with my reply
Following Ellie up the stairs
"Alpha what-"
Lucas begins
I know what he's going to say and I really
Don't care and don't want to fucking
Hear it
I walk into my office grabbing
A whiskey bottle with a glass and sit
At my desk .

James walks into my office
With Charles
"Since when were you here"
I say clearly not in the mood for them
"Hes here because there's a situation
We need to handle!
What are you going to do Damien
The doctor said 48 hours!
When she remembers she's going to run
Far away from you from us!"
Lucas says frustrated sitting
Across from me at my desk
Charles sits on the other seat
"She could never remember
It's happened before"
Charles adds
"Please goddess that is the case"
I say pouring a glass of the amber liquid
Lucas looks at Charles then me
"Fine fine !
Let's say she doesn't ever remember
You can see already her lack of
Memory is frustrating her?
If it leads to her going mad?
We really don't need another mad leader
Of this pack you and your father are fine enough!"
Lucas says his wolf coming to the surface
I look at him my own wolf
Ready to kill him
"I advice you to keep fucking quite
If you value your life and your title
If you weren't my closest friend you'd be
Dead for not leaving in the first place"
I snap swallowing the liquid in one swallow
"Go to the wise woman
She can make some concoction to suppress
The lunas memory
Get rid of the doubt and kill it at its source"
Charles says taking a glass and pouring
The whiskey into it and returning
To his seat
I go quite thinking over his words
It's not the worst idea
"are you insane! She deserves her fucking sanity !
Your fucking with peoples lives at that point"
Lucas barks at Charles
"Her sanity is more important then
Our alpha?
Sorry but my loyalties remain with him"
Charles argues back
"And if she loses her fucking mind
And she loses the plot and
Tortures him like the Luna of the draven
Or goddess forbid a repeat of what has
Happened ?!?"
Lucas argues back his frustration clear
I freeze at his words
A repeat...
"Think of another plan"
I say breaking there bickering
The two of them say in Union
"We can't risk it..
We need to find a way for her to come
To accept what's happened"
I say leaning back in my chair
"So we wait for her to remember
How you tore apart that guy
How her pack was ripped apart
Mercilessly and she watched
Them be torn apart
Her being locked in a cell ?
You expect that to go well"
Charles says his anxiety building
I've never know him to be so jittery
"She has to she can't leave"
Lucas says
I sigh running a hand through my hair
"You have to face the music
Damien ..
If you run from it it'll get worse..
She's your mate she's bonded
To you she cannot stay angry forever"
Lucas says his tone calmer
"Unless she rejects him"
Charles adds
I look at him confused
"If a bond strains enough
One person can reject the other
Breaking the mate bond completely
Only few survive when this happens and
If they do they die alone
No redos so ...if that's a risk your willing to take alpha"
Charles says leaning against the arm rests
I growl at the thought
Of it
She wouldn't...
"Get the wise woman I want her here
By tomorrow early"
I say angrily my body tensing
My wolf racing at the front of
My mind to kill Charles for even
Uttering such filth .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13 ⏰

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