C-1 Perfect Revenge

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Morgies POV:

After the getting caught by Merlin incident, all the VK's had to spend years worth of detention. Well, all except me. Merlin didn't see me and they didn't rad me out so I didn't get punished. Now I either don't go to castlecoming, or go by myself. Honestly, I don't know what to do because either way I won't be with my friends. For some reason that doesn't matter to me. I feel like they all hate me and won't say it to my face. The problem is Uliana was how I made friends, so it's going to be difficult to make them on my own. 

I was at the Black Lagoon with the others, Uliana pacing back and forth, and Hades cuddling Maleficent. "We need a new idea stat!" Uliana finally said. "Give me ideas or I'll figure it out alone." Hook gave her a death stare and said "Haven't your ideas been enough trouble lately?" She just rolled her eyes. "I'm just throwing it out there, we could still burn her." Hades said. Maleficent punched him, "No murder!" 

I kept quiet the whole time. One thing I didn't understand is why they hate Bridget so much. She is just an innocent girl trying to make friends. Just like her, I was new this year, but since my mom is a villain, I was accepted into Uliana's  group. What I like so much about Bridget is that she stays positive even when people are horrible to her. I could never do that. Her cupcakes are amazing too. 

"Morgie, Morgie, MORGIE! Would you get with the program?" Uliana screamed. Hades face immediately perked up. "Wait I have an idea," he announced. "Your ideas haven't exactly been awesome either," Hook snickered. Hades rolled his eyes and told us his plan, that surprisingly everyone agreed to. The plan was I pretend to be Bridget's friend until she's in love with me. Then I would ruin her life for good at castlecoming. "Why me exactly?" I asked. Uliana shot me an evil look. "You'd be the most believable." Maleficent said, still resting her head on Hades shoulder. I didn't want to look like a chicken so I agreed, but I did not want to do it. Bridget had done nothing to us but try to be our friend, so I don't understand all that hate.


🎶I'm fierce, I'm feared

You know I'm the baddest here

Pull up with my crew, boo-hoo

You'll be wiping up more than a puddle of tears

My competition, call her Urs

But her curses ain't the worst

I got potions, evil spells to turn your life from bad to worse

Then there's a desperate girl

Comin' for me, tryin' to mess with my world

Well, villainous is how I live

She'll regret messing with the wrong sea witch, 'cause

I got a right to my vengeance, I'm savage to the bone

And anyone who crosses me gonna wish they were never born


They won't know what's coming when I hit 'em with that (revenge)

They gonna start running when I hit 'em with that (revenge)

Won't stop 'til I conjure up a painful perfect punishment

I don't get mad, I get even

Gon' find the perfect revenge

Gon' find that perfect (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                                     

Perfect revenge (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                                                       

Gon' find that perfect (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                                           

Perfect revenge                                                                                                                                                             

Gon' find that perfect (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                             

Perfect revenge (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                                                   

Gon' find that perfect (ah, ya, ah, ya)                                                                                                               

Perfect revenge (ah, ya, ah, ya)🎶


Bridgets POV:

"I feel terrible!" I said for the fifth time. Ella rolled her eyes at me. "You shouldn't! They got themselves into that mess! Now castlecoming is delayed!" "At least it gives me more time to think about a date." I said, happily. 

I really want a date so I don't look like a loser at my first dance. The problem is Ella is my only friend. Charming and Fey are my friends to an extent. Charming is head over heels for Ella, and Fey only talks to me if she wants a treat or I talk to her first. 

Something I don't understand is the VK's. Uliana is vicious, while Morgie makes me laugh so hard. He is so adorable but is a VK because of his mom. Sometimes I wonder if he's a true VK at heart.

"I don't think Morgie was punished for the whole cookbook thing, right?" Ella asked me. I had heard from Jasmine and Alladin that he wasn't but I'm not sure. "I don't think he was. If he was a part of that whole scheme, he wasn't caught while the others were." "Maybe he was keeping lookout and hid if Merlin got near him," Ella implied. 

I wasn't really paying full attention to our conversation. I don't know why but Morgie was on my mind the entire time. Something about him gives me a weird feeling, I just can't figure out what.



I hope you liked this first chapter. I know there isn't much of a ship yet but I'm trying to add background. 🙃😝

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