C-3 Watch Me Work

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Morgie POV:

After last night I couldn't stop thinking about her. It was clear that I need to stop Uliana from hurting her. I usually talk to Hades about these types of things, but for this I can't. My mom was kind of my only option.

I went home and my mom and sister were eating. My mom could tell I needed to talk to her so she shooed my sister away. "Mom! I haven't even had dessert yet!" She debated. "Yes you did. You ate the entire bowl of strawberries. That's enough sugar for you." Mom said, clearly annoyed. My sister rolled her eyes. "I told you more than 100 times. Fruit isn't dessert!" Then she stormed off.

"Sorry. Y'know Marlie can be a pain." Mom said to me. "Its fine." I said back. My mom asked me what was wrong so I told her about the whole situation. About how Uli was tryna prank Bridget, and how I was the lead player, and how I didn't want to. Even though my mom is Morgana Le Fay, she is still the best mom anyone could ask for. The amount of times the crew has been to our house, she had never really liked Uli. Hades was her favorite. He had slept over billions of times without the rest of the crew and was a really nice guy, but Uliana is just holding him back. My mom decided to invite Bridget over tomorrow night for dinner and of course she said yes.

My sister Marlie was super excited too. Maleficent had always been the only one of my friends to hang out with her so another girl would be great. Marlie is also not like the other VK's. She went to an all villain school and got bullied for being 'too nice'. That's another reason I feel so bad for bullying Bridget. She reminds me so much of Marlie.

Bridget POV:

Morgie invited me for dinner!! I guess Ella was right about me liking him. I also heard he has a little sister. I can't wait!

I got to house and knocked. A little girl with pigtails and green bows answered. She was so pretty oh my god. "Hi! Are you Morgie's sister? I'm Bridget Heart." Her face lit up super quick. "I'm Marlie Le Fay! Nice to meet you. Morgie talks about you a lot. He said you are very pretty." My face turned bright pink. I didn't need proof, I knew it was there. 

Marlie took me inside where I saw Morgie helping his mom make dinner. Morgana I introduced herself and while we waited for dinner to be ready, Marlie took me to her room. "Wow your room is so pretty!" I said. "Thanks. I'm just now starting to be myself again after the bullying. I'm more confident." I  was truly stunned. How could s ten year old manage to go though that and be mentally stable within a year. She looked at me and smiled. Let me show you.


🎶Never gets old no matter how muck I'm told

I'm amazing

Hard to get tired when I'm always on fire

I'm  blazin'

All my greatness

It doesn't come for free

All my talent

It doesn't grow on trees

Take a breather

then take it all away

If the top is where you wanna stay

You gotta work hard (Uh-huh)

To make it look it easy

You gotta live fast

To keep makin' that money (Ooh)

If you want to be as famous as me

You gotta work, you gotta work, you gotta work

Watch me work

Ooh, ooh


Ooh, ooh

Go ahead and watch me work🎶


We got called in for dinner at around 6:00. My seat was next to Morgie. I was lowkey flustered the whole time. The thought of him sitting next to me brought a smile to my face. I had never felt this for anyone ever. His mom was really nice for being a villain. She just wanted he kids to be happy. I wish my mom was like that.

At one point his mom said, "Are you two, y'know, a thing?" Both of our faces turned red. "No mom she's just a friend." Friend zoned. Ouch. I agreed, but its not what I wanted. 

After dinner I went home but I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was what Marlie had said. He talks about me, and he thinks I'm pretty. 

I opened up last years yearbook and flipped to the page Morgie was on. I pulled out a bright pink sharpie and drew a big heart around his picture. I guess I like him way more than I ever thought I would. 



Hey guys sorry for not publishing. I have been busy with school, softball, etc. I have like four drafts for this thing and have a whole plan except for this chapter so I hope you like it.

Little disclaimer, the next chapter will have some Maleficent and Hades drama. One byeeee!🤑😏😎😋

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