Chapter 2: Negotiations

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The terms were clear, but the tension in the room was palpable. Lena knew she had to play this right—too much pushback and Vivian might find someone else, too little and she'd end up regretting it. The money was crucial, but so was maintaining her dignity. She wouldn't let this woman, no matter how powerful, control her.

Vivian tapped her fingers on the desk, her gaze never leaving Lena's face. "I'll pay you ten thousand dollars a week, with bonuses for public appearances. You'll move into my penthouse and be available at all times. We'll attend events, family dinners, and whatever else is necessary to maintain the illusion."

Lena didn't flinch, though the offer was more generous than she'd expected. But she knew better than to show her cards too early. "That's a good start," Lena said, crossing her arms. "But I need more than just money."

Vivian raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "And what, exactly, do you need?"

"Full medical coverage for my sister," Lena replied without hesitation. "Top-tier care, no expenses spared. And I want it guaranteed—contractually."

Vivian's eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the demand. "That can be arranged. Anything else?"

Lena hesitated, then added, "I also want access to your security team. If I'm going to be living with you, I need to know what I'm up against."

Vivian leaned back in her chair, clearly weighing the request. It was an unusual demand, but not an unreasonable one, given Lena's background. "Agreed," Vivian finally said. "But understand this—my security team answers to me, not you. You'll have access, but only to the extent that I allow."

Lena nodded, satisfied for now. She knew she was walking into a potential minefield, but it wasn't the first time. "Alright then," she said, her tone final. "We have a deal."

Vivian's lips curled into a small, victorious smile. "Indeed we do." She stood up, offering her hand to seal the agreement.

Lena hesitated for just a second before clasping Vivian's hand. The CEO's grip was firm, her skin cool against Lena's calloused palm. The touch was brief, but it sent a shiver down Lena's spine—whether from the deal she'd just made or from something else entirely, she wasn't sure.

"Tomorrow morning," Vivian said, releasing Lena's hand. "I expect you at the penthouse by nine. We have a brunch with my family at eleven, and I need you to be prepared."

Lena nodded curtly. "I'll be there."

Vivian's gaze lingered on Lena for a moment longer than necessary, something unreadable in her eyes, before she turned back to her desk. "My assistant will provide you with everything you need to know. Don't be late."

Without another word, Lena turned and walked out of the office, her heart pounding. She had the money she needed, the resources to help her sister, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she'd just stepped into a very dangerous game.

The next morning, Lena arrived at the penthouse at exactly nine o'clock. The building was as opulent as she had expected, with polished marble floors and towering glass windows that offered a panoramic view of the city. A doorman greeted her with a stiff nod, and she was quickly escorted to the private elevator that led directly to Vivian's penthouse.

As the elevator ascended, Lena took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. She was no stranger to high-stakes situations, but this felt different. It wasn't just the fact that she'd be living in close quarters with a woman she barely knew—one who clearly had her own hidden agenda—it was the knowledge that she'd have to maintain this facade under constant scrutiny.

When the elevator doors opened, Lena stepped into a sprawling living area filled with sleek, modern furniture and expensive art. The space was immaculate, with every detail carefully curated to project an image of success and control.

"Right on time," Vivian's voice called from across the room.

Lena turned to see Vivian standing by the large windows, dressed in a tailored suit that emphasized her commanding presence. Her expression was neutral, but there was a hint of approval in her eyes as she approached Lena.

"I like punctuality," Vivian said, her tone suggesting that she was accustomed to being obeyed.

"I like getting paid," Lena replied evenly, meeting her gaze.

Vivian's lips twitched in amusement. "We'll get along just fine, then."

Before Lena could respond, a young woman entered the room, her heels clicking on the marble floor. It was Vivian's assistant from the day before, now holding a tablet and a small stack of documents.

"This is Sarah," Vivian introduced. "She'll be your point of contact for anything you need. She's also the one who will be briefing you on today's agenda."

Lena nodded at Sarah, who gave her a nervous smile. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," Sarah replied, though her eyes darted nervously between Lena and Vivian. It was clear she wasn't entirely comfortable with whatever was happening here, but she remained professional. "I've prepared everything you'll need for today, including a dossier on Ms. Cross's family. It's important that you familiarize yourself with it before brunch."

Lena took the documents, flipping through the pages. The dossier was detailed, listing each family member, their relationship to Vivian, and relevant background information. It was clear that this family was as complex as it was dysfunctional, with alliances and rivalries that would be difficult to navigate.

Vivian watched Lena carefully as she scanned the dossier. "Any questions?"

Lena looked up, her expression thoughtful. "Just one—how much of this am I expected to believe?"

Vivian's smile didn't reach her eyes. "As much as you need to, to play your part. The truth, for now, is irrelevant."

Lena nodded slowly, understanding the game that was being set up. "I see."

"Good," Vivian said, her tone brisk. "Sarah will show you to your room. We leave in an hour."

As Sarah led Lena down a hallway toward the guest quarters, Lena couldn't shake the feeling that she was walking deeper into a labyrinth. One wrong turn, and she might not find her way out. But she had made her choice—she was in this now, and there was no turning back.

When they reached the guest suite, Sarah hesitated before handing Lena a keycard. "I, uh, I just wanted to say... if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Ms. Cross can be... demanding, but she's fair."

Lena took the keycard, offering Sarah a reassuring nod. "Thanks, I'll be fine."

Sarah smiled weakly before retreating down the hall, leaving Lena alone in the suite. The room was spacious and luxurious, far beyond anything Lena had ever experienced. But it felt cold, impersonal, a reflection of the woman who owned it.

She set her bag down on the bed and began to unpack, her mind already working through the details of the day ahead. Brunch with Vivian's family would be the first real test of her new role, and she needed to be ready.

As she changed into the clothes provided—a chic, understated outfit that matched Vivian's style—Lena glanced at herself in the mirror. The reflection that stared back at her was confident, composed, but there was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

What the hell have you gotten yourself into, Brooks?

But there was no time for doubts. Not when so much was at stake.

Lena straightened her posture, smoothed her clothes, and took a deep breath. She had a role to play, and she would play it well.

The door to the suite opened, and Vivian stood in the doorway, her gaze appraising. "Are you ready?"

Lena turned to face her, her expression resolute. "Let's do this."

Vivian's smile was thin, but it was there. "Good."

Together, they walked down the hallway, their footsteps echoing through the silent penthouse. As they reached the elevator, Lena's mind was already calculating the steps she needed to take, the lies she would have to tell. But she was a soldier, and this was just another mission.

The elevator doors closed, and they began their descent into the unknown.

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