Chapter 7: Into the Shadows

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Lena's pulse pounded in her ears as she scanned the empty room, trying to piece together what had just happened. Vivian was gone, and Lena had no idea where to start looking. But she knew one thing for certain—time was running out, and if she didn't act fast, she might lose Vivian forever.

She grabbed her phone and quickly dialed Marcus.

"Marcus," she said as soon as he picked up, "Vivian's been taken. I need you to trace her phone, now."

Marcus didn't waste time with questions. "On it. Give me a second."

Lena paced the room, her eyes darting around as she looked for any clues, any signs of where they might have taken her. The broken glass near the window suggested a struggle, and there were faint scuff marks on the floor that led toward the open window. Lena moved to the window, looking down at the street below. It was a long drop, but there was a fire escape just outside. It was possible they had taken her out that way.

"Lena," Marcus's voice crackled through the phone, pulling her attention back. "I've got a location. Her phone is still active, but it's on the move. Looks like they're heading west, toward the industrial district."

Lena's jaw tightened. The industrial district was a maze of warehouses and abandoned buildings—perfect for hiding someone. "Send me the coordinates."

"Already did," Marcus replied. "But be careful. If Kincaid is behind this, he's not going to make it easy for you."

"Understood," Lena said, already heading for the door. "And Marcus—thank you."

"Just get her back, Brooks," Marcus said, his voice grim. "And watch your back."

Lena hung up, her mind racing as she bolted out of the penthouse. She didn't have time to waste. She had to find Vivian before it was too late.

The drive to the industrial district felt like an eternity, even though Lena pushed the car to its limits. Every minute that passed felt like a lifetime, every second a reminder that Vivian was in danger. But Lena forced herself to stay focused. She needed to keep her head clear, her instincts sharp.

As she neared the coordinates Marcus had sent, the area grew more desolate, the buildings more run-down. It was the perfect place for a kidnapping—isolated, with few prying eyes.

Lena parked the car a few blocks away and approached the location on foot. She moved silently, her senses heightened, every sound and shadow analyzed for threats. The warehouse in front of her was large, with boarded-up windows and a rusted metal door. It looked abandoned, but Lena knew better. This was exactly the kind of place Kincaid would use.

She crept closer, staying low as she reached the side of the building. There was a small side door, slightly ajar, and Lena could hear faint voices coming from inside. She pressed herself against the wall, listening intently.

"I'm telling you, we need to move her now," one of the voices said, a hint of panic in his tone. "Brooks will be here any minute."

"Shut up," another voice snapped, this one calm, authoritative. "We're not going anywhere until Kincaid gives the order. He wants to handle her personally."

Lena's blood boiled at the mention of Kincaid. So, he wanted to deal with Vivian himself. That meant she still had time—if she could act quickly.

She carefully pushed the door open, slipping inside and moving silently through the darkened corridors. The voices grew louder as she approached what looked like an office at the far end of the warehouse. The door was slightly open, and through the crack, she could see Vivian tied to a chair in the center of the room, her face bruised but defiant.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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