5: No Control

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I was kind of expecting him to be gone when i woke up but at the same time a small part of me really wished he had stayed. I knew it was somewhat the right thing though, i couldn't risk my mom coming in and seeing a random boy laying in bed with his arms wrapped suggestively around me. I lay on my back for a while just starring at my ceiling wondering if i was somehow in a dream. I just met some kid, who may i say happens to be a a supernatural being, says I'm his somewhat mate, and he says he is here to protect me, and somehow i feel like everything is where it is suppose to be for once in my life. I feel kind of...happy. 

I smile lightly to myself as i drag my lazy butt out of bed and to the bathroom to get ready. I noticed my hair was actually looked nice for once. Even though i didn't shower last night my hair looked straighter than normal and the bags under my eyes were smaller than yesterday. This was the first morning i had had in as long as i can remember where i didn't wake up in a cold sweat, my hair in a jumble of knots, and it looked like i hadn't slept in days. I decided to go natural today and wear no makeup and just throw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a nice red short sleeved shirt. As i grabbed my school bag something inside fell out. A small piece of paper slid to the ground by my feet. I picked it up and opened it.

Good morning Willow. Sorry I had to leave. ~H.

Such simple words for such a complex mad but his last few words made a toothy smile fall to my lips none the less. I shook my head shaking away my thoughts as i grabbed my board from under my bed and ran downstairs.

"Mom," i waited for an answer and then i got none i yelled a little louder, "MOM," still nothing. Guess she went to work. I went to my fridge to look for something to eat for breakfast but for some reason as i looked through i didn't have the urge to eat. I guess i'll just each more at lunch, I thought to myself as i slipped my galaxy vans on and headed out the door.

My board felt kind of weird since I had to substitute a wheel from one of my old boards for the one the mysteriously disappeared which caused it too be slightly off. I don't know why i didn't just bring the skateboard that i used at the skatepark but it was too late to go back and switch them out now.

Is what I'm feeling normal? Shouldn't i be scared of Harry? He's dangerous and scary and tried to tell me what to do but at the same time I've never felt more safe with someone. I've never felt more at home or comforted than when I'm with him. I feel happy around him, more alive than i have in so long. I feel real, like i have my emotions back, the dark cloud that once hung too close to my head has somehow began to leave. My mind isn't a jumble of unwanted thoughts but a collage of beautiful ones pieced together to express how I feel. He's the first person that's made me feel this way and I haven't even known him for more than a day or so. I must be going crazy. Or maybe I'm going the opposite of crazy, maybe I'm finally becoming sane again.

"Shit," i hissed as my board hit something and i went flying into someone. We both collided to the floor me on top of whoever just broke my fall. 

"I thought you were good at skateboarding," said a very familiar voice from under me. I looked down to see Darren smiling at me and i chuckled at his statement. My cheeks began to flare up as i realized how close our faces were and quickly got up from the floor offering my hand out to help him up. He took it and I pulled him up. My cheeks mainly turned red due to my embarrassment, for some reason it didn't feel right being that close to him. Why does everything feel so off today?

"For your information I am good at riding your just bad at getting out of the way," i said matter-of-factly since he was the one that caused us to collide, or maybe it was me but I hate being responsible for things so let's just say it was Darren. I took a step back to have a good amount of room between us that i thought was appropriate and picked up my board. 

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